Monday, March 22, 2010

My letter to the Boston Glove RE letter by Michael Burkin " Abbas, Hamas dig in, getting them nowhere"

RE: letter by Michael Burkin " Abbas, Hamas dig in, getting them nowhere"

Dear Editor,

Intentionally ignoring UN Resolution 194 from 1948 which clearly affirms the Palestinian refugees very real right to return to original homes and lands, letter writer Burkin argues that "More settlements are unfortunate, but are not a tipping point in the peace process" because he wants Americans to believe that the Palestinian refugees right of return is the real impediment to peace.

He is wrong on all counts... Fact is every day, 24/7 (all year round, decade after decade) people world wide freely enjoy the right to leave and the right to return as we go about the business of life.
Negotiations for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East must not contradict international law or undermine basic human rights.

Negotiations need to be focused in on how to quickly, efficiently and compassionately create a secular two state solution to end the Israel/Palestine conflict once and for all in line with international law and all relevant UN resolutions: Israel should not be allowed to use its own illegal acts, intransigence and investments in institutionalized bigotry as bargaining chips in order to gain power or as yet another way to sabotage Palestine and peace.

Anne Selden Annab

Growing Gardens for Palestine

We need a Golden Rule Peace for Israel and Palestine

"Continued settlement activity, confrontations in East Jerusalem, excavations near holy sites, evictions of Palestinian families, travel and visa restrictions, belligerent conduct by extremist settlers, and sporadic violence by individual and organized Palestinian extremists all undermine the viability and credibility of negotiators and negotiations. " Washington is the indispensible partner for a settlement by Ziad Asali

"Historically, secular values have been a major feature of the Palestinian national movement" Palestine must be a secular state by Hussein Ibish

Need the facts on Palestine?

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