Monday, March 22, 2010

My leter to the LATimes RE "A warrior poet 'Here, Bullet' a soldier's view, in verse, of the war in Iraq." & your letters regarding Israel

RE: "A warrior poet 'Here, Bullet' is a soldier's view, in verse, of the war in Iraq." & your letters regarding Israel, terrorism and settlements & “Stumbling over settlements,” Editorial, March 16,0,2602143,full.story

Dear Editor,

I was fascinated by the startling poems by Brian Turner in your article "A warrior poet 'Here, Bullet' is a soldier's view, in verse, of the war in Iraq." However technically his riveting poems are not "in verse" they are free verse. And speaking of freedom- all your letters today regarding Israel, terrorism and settlements & “Stumbling over settlements,” are by people mainly focused in on protecting and promoting Israel in one way or another.... I am not sure if I should be wishing that more people felt free to write letters in support of Palestine and peace- or wishing that the LATimes felt more free to publish letters (& poetry) in support of Palestine and peace.

Anne Selden Annab

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