Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My online comment to The Guardian RE Palestine's impossible dream by Yousef Munayyer

Artists’ sketches of the proposed new city, Rawabi, which is six miles north of Ramallah and hopes to attract young professionals. It includes apartment blocks, olive trees and shaded walkways. Photograph: Public Domain

RE: Palestine's impossible dream by Yousef Munayyer

comment posted online


3 Feb 2010, 6:05PM

Israel has been freely building settlements all through out the illegally occupied territories for decades & Palestinian American activists heading supposedly pro-Palestine organizations here in America are inspired to diss a Palestinian effort to build a Palestinian community in Palestine for Palestinians?!!

Knocking support away from Palestine is easy as can be, and apparently many 'academics' find it entertaining to do so... but I find such an approach horrifying because I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the children of Palestine need real hope- and a real Palestine.

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