Saturday, January 9, 2010

Yes the Palestinian cause was a very just cause...

Connecting the dots: How pretty peace efforts push us into empowering Islamists- and terror.... and the destruction of Palestine.

Rich Siegel – "In Palestine" [Video-Music]

It is a beautiful civilized and compassionate- and such solid proof that decent Jewish individuals support Palestine. Look at most every pro-Palestine effort and you find helpful Jewish individuals who are warm and supportive of Palestine- and Palestinian resistance- FREE GAZA!

In bending over backwards to be supportive of Palestine far too many people are reluctant to say WHOA DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE EMPOWERING HAMAS & ISLAMIC JIHAD!!!

New initiatives for Palestine keep popping up.... and from what I can see they are very much centered on promoting a one state 'solution'.

But isn't that exactly what Israeli war mongers and illegal settlers want- all of Palestine?!

Meanwhile, a lethal combination of anti-America rhetoric and bad arguments tend to infiltrate "pro-Palestine" news and opinion, which pretty much guarantees that wiser folks, and most Americans, will find other very important things to care about.

Yes the hegemony of the ongoing Israeli made Nakba is a huge tragedy and a horrible crime against all of humanity.

Yes the Palestinian cause was a very just cause... but why do so many pro-Palestine activists think rock throwing is non-violence?

For all the many very real non-violent Palestinians, we need to be aware of political realities and the importance of diplomacy... and the crucial need to support a negotiated end to the horrors and the hate generated by the Israel/Palestine conflict.

We need a Golden Rule Peace for Israel and Palestine

for every one's sake

"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace..."

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