Sunday, January 10, 2010

Terrorism is personal

Jordan Times
Letters to the Editor
‘Terrorism is personal’

The scattered words of praise for terrorists in the Arab world convey a deep moral and philosophical flaw in the minds of those who express such support for terrorists boarding planes for the sole purpose of killing all aboard for political gains or grievances.

These savages, who are willing to murder innocent people to make a political statement, are the most evil and deranged in society. When these terrorists fail to win by appealing to reason, they resort violence in order to appeal to our fear of death.

We know what they stand for, but do we know what we stand for?

Thanks to these brutes, our privacy will be invaded every time we board a plane just because we happen to share a country with these brainwashed murderers. Our wives and sisters will be exposed to the most invasive rigorous security checks technology has to offer just because we happen to be Arab or Muslim.

It is time that we all speak up against targeting innocent civilians for the sake of our humanity, love for peace and respect for human life everywhere.

Arabs and Muslims have paid a high price for the murderous ideology of an insignificant minority of Muslims. They have brought occupation and humiliation to millions of Arabs and Muslims, and as of now we will pay a personal price for their evil deeds.

The war against terrorism is now personal.

Naseer Alomari,

10 January 2010

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