Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My letter to the Daily Star RE The hollowness of the one-state agenda By Hussein Ibish

RE: The hollowness of the one-state agenda By Hussein Ibish

Dear Sir,

Good to see Hussein Ibish 's "The hollowness of the one-state agenda." I wish I could say his compelling new book What’s Wrong with the One-State Agenda?” instantly changed my own mind about the one state solution- but fact is his book is only one of many signs and signals that Palestine and the two state solution needs all our support.... and all our best efforts ASAP.

Cynicism is easy- but it won't solve anything.

Fragmenting the conversation into multiple hostile camps with competing campaigns mainly helps Israel continue on with its unified quest to usurp Palestinian land, rights and life (and the story itself) while various pro-Palestine "solidarity" groups in America bicker and push themselves further and further out to the fringe (where they are easily dismissed by mainstream America.)

Palestine needs mainstream efforts and energy in order to survive.

To borrow some good advice from President Obama's riveting Back to School Speech to America's school children "
And even when you’re struggling, even when you’re discouraged, and you feel like other people have given up on you – don’t ever give up on yourself. Because when you give up on yourself, you give up on your country."

THE PRESIDENT'S BACK-TO-SCHOOL MESSAGE TO AMERICA'S STUDENTS http://www.whitehouse.gov/MediaResources/PreparedSchoolRemarks/

Anne Selden Annab

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