Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Omar Badder on America's mainstream media coverage of #Israel VS #Palestine "As you reflect on why only one of these stories is dominating the headlines, there are 5 more things to keep in mind..."

Omar Baddar عمر بدّار

2 things have happened in Gaza in the last 24 hours: 
1) Israel killed 47 Palestinians 
2) 6 Israeli hostages were found dead 
As you reflect on why only one of these stories is dominating the headlines, there are 5 more things to keep in mind :

1) The families of the hostages & the Israeli defense minister have accused Netanyahu of condemning their hostages to death by his refusal to strike a deal that brings them home safely.
2) Of the thousands of Palestinian hostages that Israel kidnapped & held w/out charge or trial since October, many have been brutally raped, and at least dozens (possibly far more) have been tortured to death in Israeli dungeons.
3) In the opening weeks of the genocide, Israel was killing 136 Palestinian children PER DAY. In a brief truce in November, Hamas released more than 100 Israeli hostages, but Netanyahu abruptly cut off these negotiations & prioritized the Gaza genocide over the hostages' lives.

4) Beyond valuing Israeli lives more than Palestinian ones, our government doesn't value AMERICAN lives equally: When Hamas kills an Israeli-American, we condemn & promise severe consequences. But when the Israeli gov murders Palestinian-Americans, there's no accountability.
 5) The entire concept of this war on Gaza (& our government's insistence on arming & funding it) is an exercise in monstrous moral depravity: We think one side gets to kill 16,000 children from the other side in pursuit of their "safety." 
That thinking is despicable, but the reality is even worse: Israel isn't fighting for "safety" (they can get that by ending their brutal occupation & letting Palestinians have rights), they are fighting for the right to dominate Palestinians & hold them captive without rights. 
Our government thinks Israel is justified in killing an infinite number of Palestinian children in pursuit of their total domination of Palestinian life. 
This is what the so-called "conflict" is all about.

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