Monday, August 5, 2024

A Guardian report reveals that there are 60,000 Americans living in illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank, as well as some 23,400 Americans serving in the Israeli army.

 "An estimated 60,000 US citizens live in settlements in the West Bank. Many are deeply ideological, inspired by extremist figures like Brooklyn-born Baruch Goldstein, who massacred 29 Palestinians in Hebron in 1994, and Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose party was designated a terror group in both the US and Israel. The justice department did not answer questions about whether it is considering any action against settlers who are US citizens.

Americans in the IDF

An estimated 23,380 US citizens serve in Israel’s armed forces, according to the Washington Post – a figure the IDF did not confirm but probably includes both Americans traveling to Israel for the purpose of service and Israeli-raised soldiers holding dual citizenship." ... READ MORE  

"The Guardian ends its report by quoting Oona Hathaway, an academic at Yale Law School: "The US government could prosecute these US citizens if they participate in war crimes. Politically, however, that’s unlikely, for all the obvious reasons.” "For all the obvious reasons." That's how the article ends. Wouldn't you just love to see the Guardian and Prof Hathaway explain exactly what those reasons are? But apparently they are so "obvious" the Guardian and an academic at a prestige university feel, as ever, there is no need to put them into words." 

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