Sunday, May 19, 2024

Dear President Biden... Connect The Dots

@UNRWA  estimates that around 800,000 people have fled Rafah since Israel's military operations intensified. Families flee looking for safety, but living conditions deteriorate by the day and no place is safe in the Gaza Strip.

Dear President Biden,

"Democracy worthy of our dreams starts with opening the doors for every one without exceptions." Biden's speech at Morehouse College May 2024 graduation ceremonies.

During the 1930s-1970s maps were made and Federal Loans were denied to red lined Black neighborhoods. Eventually, through the efforts of organizers like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the resulting protests, the Civil Rights Act was signed in 1964, outlawing discrimination, though desegregation was a slow process, especially in schools.

YES, democracy worthy of our dreams MUST open doors for everyone without exception.

Slavery and segregation are all wrong.  Please connect the dots... real democracy needs our support, not Israel. 

Israel has targeted and murdered multiple Palestinian journalists, stifled free speech, violated international law, imprisoned countless Palestinian men, women & children, and freely bombs universities, bookstores, businesses, neighborhoods, refugee camps, roads, cars, schools, restaurants, and other countries over and over again. 

Israel, fully funded by America, punitively demolishes Palestinian homes, destroys Palestinian communities, and kills Palestinian men, women and children.

Why is Atlanta building a $90 million dollar Israeli inspired "COP CITY" usurping 100 acres of forest to create a tactical training compound featuring a mock city?!

Why are American police forces being trained by Israel?!

There is a better way forward, for everyone: Enough with foolishly wasting American money on Israel and COP CITY antics.

Fund true community needs- not Israel.    Start honoring basic human rights and respect for all people, regardless of supposed race or religion.

No more delusions for Israel.  No more support for Apartheid Walls, IDF checkpoints, conniving Zionist propaganda, and COP CITY vice.

Enough with destroying hopes and dreams here and in Palestine.

Invest in goodness- not Israel.


Anne Selden Annab


A telling sign at a recent Atlanta protest reads "FROM THE West End TO THE West Bank STOP COP CITY Free Palestine" 

An ICJ Excerpt: "This genocide takes place within the context of the ongoing Nakba –– the 76th anniversary of which was celebrated yesterday –– the continued forced displacement of the Palestinian people, the erasure of Palestinian presence in Palestine and replacement with colonial settlers –– a criminal process entrenched and maintained by 76 years of apartheid and 56 years of illegal belligerent occupation... " 

Palestine Nakba 1948-2024 

NAKBA 76 years so far....

Anti-Defamation League ramps up lobbying to promote controversial definition of antisemitism : Federal records show a dramatic spending increase that critics say is primarily intended to punish criticism of Israel and target pro-Palestinian groups

On Nakba Day, as Palestinians run for their lives, Biden advances $1 billion in arms sales to Israel – Day 221

From 1948 to 2024, three Palestinian sisters speak of endless Nakba For Dalal

‘Barbaric’: Palestinian lorry drivers recount settlers’ attack on Gaza aid convoy- Israeli soldiers escorting convoy accused of doing nothing to stop widely condemned incident

The Nakba Explained- May 15th is the day commemorating the Nakba—a term used to denote Palestinians’ forced expulsion from their homeland by Zionist forces in 1948. 

Palestinian artist Sliman Mansour reflects on the impact of the Gaza war, the life and legacy of his friend Fathi Ghaben, and the role of art under occupation.

Palestinians are living a new Nakba: survivor of 1948 says

76 years after #Nakba, Palestinians continue to be forcibly displaced. 

Nakba yesterday, Nakba today: The story of my grandmother's two keys- Ghefreh has lived through two Nakbas, 1948 and today. Her grandson Emad Moussa tells her story of twinned displacement and how they've now blurred into one.

Release The Hostages Poem by Palestinian Poet Mosab Abu Toha 

May 15th poem-a-day from the Academy of American Poets:We Live We Live by Brandy Nālani McDougall- For Palestinian poet Refaat Alareer, with lines from his poems

I wear the traditional black and white scarf to celebrate my heritage. That’s enough to make you a target in the US today

The Guardian: ‘No water, food, health care, toilet’: Desperation deepens in Gaza’s camps 

The New Yorker: The View from Palestinian America In Kholood Eid’s photographs of Missouri, taken six months into the war in Gaza, the quiet act of documenting life is a kind of protest against erasure. By Zaina Arafat Photography by Kholood Eid

In these challenging times, it is heartening to witness the remarkable solidarity and support from university students across the #USA many #European countries & others around the world standing with #Gaza. #StandWithGaza #StudentsForPeace #HumanRights #StopGenocideInGaza

‘Our struggles are connected’: Atlanta protesters link Cop City to Gaza war: Campus protesters say issue of police training center and its connections to Israel has been on their minds for months

Israel attacked aid workers despite knowing their locations: Human Rights Watch documents eight Israeli strikes on humanitarian groups that had provided their coordinates in advance

Spotted in a pro-Palestine demonstration in Ottawa, Canada.... "Israel Did It in 1948... 56...67...82...2002...08...14...21...23..."

English guitar legend Eric Clapton kicks off his concert by playing a guitar adorned with the Palestinian flag.🇵🇸

[CNN] Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention...

There are enough weapons of war and destruction already on planet earth.

Please stop aiding and abetting Israeli insanity. Full Stop.

Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?

The UN Mediator for Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, believed that the Palestinians displaced had a right to return to their homes and wrote several UN reports to that effect.

"It would be an offence against the principles of elemental justice if these innocent victims of the conflict were denied the right to return to their homes while Jewish immigrants flow into Palestine, and, indeed, at least offer the threat of permanent replacement of the Arab refugees who have been rooted in the land for centuries."

Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the group Lehi, a Zionist terrorist organization, commonly known in the West as the Stern Gang 




"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world..."

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