Saturday, April 20, 2024

Palestine Museum US: Today we mark the opening of the exhibition "Foreigners in Their Homeland: Occupation | Apartheid | Genocide"

 Dear Friends of Palestine Museum US,


Today we mark the opening of the exhibition "Foreigners in Their Homeland: Occupation | Apartheid | Genocide"

You are cordially invited to attend  the opening ceremony in person (in Venice, Italy) or Via Zoom.

Saturday April 20, 2024 | 18:00 Italy 19:00 Palestine 17:00 UK and 12:00 PM US EDT.

In-Person and Virtual Opening Ceremony for: 'Foreigners in their Homeland: Occupation | Apartheid | Genocide,' art exhibition, Venice, Italy

Event Program

  • Keynote Address  by Faisal Saleh, Exhibit Curator and Exec Dir of Palestine Museum US (English & Italian)

  • Introducing participation artists (present and absent)

  • Musical performance by the Arabic language students’ choir of Ca' Foscari University of Venice

  • Musical performance by Palestinian soprano Zeina Barhoum

    [AS ALWAYS PLEASE GO TO THE LINK TO READ GOOD ARTICLES (or quotes or watch videos) IN FULL: HELP SHAPE ALGORITHMS (and conversations) THAT EMPOWER DECENCY, DIGNITY, JUSTICE & PEACE... and hopefully Palestine]

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