Thursday, March 14, 2024

TikTok... Freedom, justice and equality are not empty words.

Lessons not learned

Dear Elected Leaders,

So all this fuss and bother about TiKToK because TiKToK was created by the very foreign country called China... but our Congress has no condemnation for another very foreign country called Israel while Israel has spent decades interfering with our elections using AIPAC $$$ and pressure, plus many a propaganda campaign to pollute and undermine our Fourth Estate, and the very essence of our democratic ideals. 

There is a very good reason why American tax payers' money should not be funding religion here or there. There being Israel, a very foreign country that wants our money and weaponry so it can continue to persecute, impoverish and displace the native non-Jewish men, women and children of historic Palestine.

Freedom, justice and equality are not empty words. These ideals helped end slavery and Jim Crow laws. These ideals helped build a more real democracy and helped give women the right to vote.  These ideals helped shape international law after the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust. But freedom, justice and equality have not shaped Israel's "democracy" or its political and religious leaders' choices.

Israel is actually using starvation as a weapon of war right this minute.  And America's Congress is empowering Israel's cruel starvation and intentional torture of the native non-Jewish Palestinians trapped in Gaza by Israel's Apartheid laws and walls.

Defunding UNWRA is a horrible idea, and so is saying that Israel is our friend. As many a mother has said through the years: "With friends like that you don't need enemies."

TicToc the clock is ticking on American hypocrisy and racist Israeli crimes.

Say yes to compassion and decency... Say yes to Palestine... and say NO to Israel. 

As for TiKToK, fix the Israel problem first.  Pegasus is not just a pretty horse.


Anne Selden Annab


"Think of Others" Mahmoud Darwish of Palestine

Palestinian Poet Marwan Makhoul: "In order to write poetry that isn't politcal, I must listen to the birds; and in order to listen to the birds, the warplanes must be silent."

Susan Sarandon: "You don't have to be Palestinian to care about what's happening in Gaza. I stand with Palestine. No one is free until everyone is free."

Bloody Extremists

What Was Palestine Before the Nakba?

We must regard all people as we regard ourselves | Patriot News PennLive letters Mar. 10, 2024

Pamela Olson's "Fast Times in Palestine" is a primer on the realities in Palestine for newbies... & It's free to download from her website

Huwaida Arraf: "May this holy month of Ramadan bring comfort to those in need; sanity and compassion to those lacking it, particularly world leaders; and may it strengthen our determination and resolve to keep fighting for true liberation, justice and peace. Ramadan Mubarak."

A Glimpse of Palestine's Beauty shared by Mazin Qumsiyeh of the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability

Rima Isam Anabtawi: "Ramadan Kareem, to those who observe. May it be as serene and peaceful as "this very old Anatolian prayer rug, and may the beauty of your month endure as long."

"We may not be born in Palestine but our hearts are" Hibah Musthafa

Susan Muaddi Darraj explains a crucial point about Israel, Palestine, & America... #LandTheft

150 Days- Gaza Municipality Damages thanks to Israel's War on Palestine

UNWRA: 17,000 children orphaned in Gaza

October 7 - March 6 Human Beings killed & injured by Israel's War On Gaza

Displaced Palestinian families prepare for Ramadan in Rafah, Gaza.❤ photo by Fares Abulebda

Israeli Restrictions on Palestinian Food Sovereignty

WARNING: “Children in the Gaza Strip are dying slowly [of starvation] before the eyes of the world.”

America The Absurd

In 1948 Israel could have chosen to include all indigenous Arabs- Christian and Muslim- as part of the process to make a real democracy for all human beings, but Zionists did the opposite by creating a huge refugee crisis.

Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?

The UN Mediator for Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, believed that the Palestinians displaced had a right to return to their homes and wrote several UN reports to that effect.

"It would be an offence against the principles of elemental justice if these innocent victims of the conflict were denied the right to return to their homes while Jewish immigrants flow into Palestine, and, indeed, at least offer the threat of permanent replacement of the Arab refugees who have been rooted in the land for centuries."

Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the group Lehi, a Zionist terrorist organization, commonly known in the West as the Stern Gang

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world

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