Saturday, March 30, 2024

Land Day 2024 Palestine: In 1976 it was 6 unarmed farmers murdered by Israeli forces, this year it is more than 32,704 + Palestinian people murdered by Israeli forces, mostly women & children have been killed

"We have on this earth what makes life worth living"Mahmoud Darwish

Every year on March 30, Palestinians observe Land Day, or Yom al-Ard, recalling the events of March 30, 1976, when six unarmed Palestinians were killed and more than 100 injured by Israeli forces during protests against Israel’s confiscation of Palestinian land.

Israel has continued to seize large swaths of Palestinian land, designating them as military zones, state land and other labels.

Settlements – illegal under international law – are Jewish-only communities built on Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

48 years on and we are witnessing the continuation of this with Israeli attempts at ethnically cleansing Gaza by genocide. #ceasefireNOW


Today we mark the 48th anniversary of #LandDay
Israel’s colonialism never abated and in the occupied West Bank, it has got only worse since 7 Oct 2023:  
27,000 acres of land seized  
There are 840 checkpoints and barriers aimed at disrupting the Palestinian right to movement  
25 Bedouin communities were displaced from their lands  
9,600 olive trees uprooted


Today is #LandDay in Palestine and I managed to get a text from my younger brother Tareq for the 1st time since the Israeli genocide started. His house got bombed in Jabalia and he is now in Rafah in a tent, still hoping to return to the North  #Gaza


BDS worldwide- for Palestine  @BDSmovement On the 48th anniversary of Land Day, let’s not just commemorate Israel’s past crimes, but also fight to end its ongoing #GazaGenocide as well as its ongoing Nakba, and, most importantly, to ultimately dismantle its underlying apartheid.

MIFTAH- Free Palestine


Land Day is a day of commemoration of the Palestinian struggle against the Israeli occupation's ethnic cleansing of indigenous Palestinian people.


Today marks the 48th anniversary of Land Day.

2024 "Of course, for the Palestinians, we did not need an international court to tell us that Israel is committing a genocide, but it was cathartic to hear this acknowledged on a global platform."


9000 Palestinians, including children, are currently held hostage by Israel  - jailed (& tortured) most with out charge or trial  LAND DAY 2024   #Genocide

The number of Palestinians held in Israel jails has reached 9,000 as of March 30th which is celebrated in Palestine as Land Day according to Pa Prisoner club. Since October 7th 7,870 have been detained some were released , most have stayed in jail most without charge or trial 


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