Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter Sunday: The Nazarene (الناصري), oil on canvas, 1993 painting by Sliman Mansour

The Nazarene (الناصري), oil on canvas, 1993 painting by Sliman Mansour


As we commemorate Easter, reflecting on the profound sacrifice and persecution of Jesus Christ, parallels can be drawn to the ongoing situation in Palestine. Just as Jesus faced oppression and persecution at the hands of powerful forces of his time, Palestinians today endure similar struggles against injustices and occupation. Like Jesus, they are marginalized, their rights denied, and their voices silenced. 

The Easter story reminds us of the resilience and hope that emerge from suffering, offering a beacon of light amidst darkness. Just as Christians celebrate the triumph of life over death, there is a yearning for peace and justice to prevail in the land where Jesus himself once walked. Easter calls us to stand in solidarity with the oppressed, advocating for a world where all people can live free from persecution and injustice.

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