Saturday, March 16, 2024

Birthday under bombardment by Fares Abulebda [in Gaza]


Fares Abulebda

Birthday under bombardment 

My dear friends, today is my birthday. I don’t even know what to say, honestly. Birthdays are normally happy days and events for most of people around the world.
But how does it feel birthday in Gaza? Can you guess? 
Birthday under bombardment. A day when I was born, what does my mother feel today, reminiscing day she gave me life? Even though she doesn’t show it, her heart is full of sorrow. Every mother wants the best for her child. And mine, how does she feel not knowing if this day might be my last one???
How do I feel? I feel like every day that I am alive is special grace from Allah. The uncertainty and looking death in the eye is our daily life.
Oh how I wish I could write a happy post, put pictures of nice food and my loved ones around me…but I live in a plastic tent as refugee with my family, a refugee in my own land. All I see around me is death, destruction, starvation, misery of my people.
There is nothing nice I could write about.
I have millions of emotions inside me, which I can’t even express.
All I want for my birthday are your prayers, my dear friends.
And I wish for myself a miracle of peace and happiness.
I love you all, my dear friends, and am hugging you from Gaza with my broken heart.

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