Monday, February 5, 2024

Please stopping funding Israel and fueling terrorism and war all over the Middle East


Our hard earned tax money going to CEOs
Dear President Biden (etc)

We the people should not be wage slaves for a foreign country that violates international law and basic human rights. Yes Zionists give American politicians who praise Israel preferential treatment and tons of money and perks- but that is called bribery and should be illegal.

American taxpayers should not be forced to fund religious preferences and Apartheid in the Holy Land. 

Since 1948 Israel has been cruel to the native non-Jewish people of historic Palestine, and every day bad goes to worse as Jews-preferred Israel builds a regime shaped on bigotry and injustice rather than the rule of fair and just laws.

Please stopping funding Israel and fueling terrorism and war all over the Middle East. 


Anne Selden Annab


Religion should be a personal choice, not a state funded project.

October 7 should have been stopped before it happened - an Irish perspective by by Don Mullan

We are witnessing the first televised genocide in Gaza


How war destroyed Gaza’s neighbourhoods – visual investigation The Guardian’s interactive scrolls through three such damaged areas of Gaza: Beit Hanoun, al-Zahra and Khan Younis.

The Guardian: ‘Everything beautiful has been destroyed’: Palestinians mourn a city in tatters

127 Palestinians killed in Gaza in last 24 hours, death toll climbs to 27,365

Sorrow and fury: a letter from American rabbis to President Biden... also puplished (as a paid ad) in the New York Times late January 2024

Dear President Biden (etc) What Others See

CSM: Settler extremists widen campaign against Palestinians


Please DARE SPEAK OUT to advocate a just and lasting peace for all people, not just your chosen favorites.

Revealed: review of internal state department documents shows special mechanisms have been used to shield Israel from US human rights laws

THE NATION: A rank-and-file campaign inside the National Education Association is demanding the president stop “sending military funding, equipment, and intelligence to Israel.”

I have hope

Violence is the feel good answer in movies & on TV- not in real life.

The human cost and the environmental cost of war in the Middle East is horrifying, and yet America's mainstream newspapers, TV news, and politicians itch to have more & more war, investing in Israeli violence at every turn. 

Emissions from Israel’s war in Gaza have ‘immense’ effect on climate catastrophe

"Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?

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