Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Our beloved "friend" Israel has been actively oppressing, demonizing, impoverishing, and displacing the native non-Jewish people of historic Palestine and has been since 1948.

Dear (Elected State & Federal Officials)

Pennsylvania's tax funds, our hard earned money usurped and saved by our treasury should not be given to Israel.

Currently America's mainstream media refuses to expose the full ugly truth about rampant Israeli cruelty, corruption, and lack of REAL DEMOCRACY... but we no longer live at a time where America's mainstream media and our elected officials are the only orators heard.

The worldwide internet is exploding with real stories about the tragic plight and suffering of the Palestinians. Heartbreaking stories:  Our beloved "friend" Israel has been actively oppressing, demonizing, impoverishing, and displacing the native non-Jewish people of historic Palestine and has been since 1948.  

AIPAC and other Israel focused fund raising groups are highly motivated to silence support for real justice and a lasting peace for all people, regardless of supposed race or religion.   

We live in a post Holocaust world, a time when international law and basic human rights are a vital part of how we say we operate, and how we expect other countries to operate, but we make Israel the exception to every rule and ideal we are supposed to uphold.

Shame on America for investing in Israeli injustice and war...  and the intentional torture and starvation of Gaza's children.


Anne Selden Annab

American Homemaker & Poet


Washington Post: Why the U.S. should start telling the whole truth about Israel nukes: American silence no longer makes sense. In fact, it's dangerous

Patriot News Harrisburg: Treasurer Stacy Garrity’s decision to invest more Pa. money in Israel Bonds, "Protesters called for Garrity to divest from all Israeli investments due to the war’s rising death toll and invest in domestic priorities instead. They also demanded she consistently take into account environmental, social, and governance ethics when choosing investments.“We’re talking about a large percentage of money that we have invested in Israel Bonds that [isn’t] going towards our schools, [isn’t] going towards our roads,” said Omar Mussa, an organizer with the Pennsylvania Palestine Network."

The Guardian: Gaza’s social media activists are a potent force for change in the fight against racism, The new wave of Palestinian protesters are heirs to giants such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, CLR James and Rosa Parks "Railing against the state propaganda machines, people such as Motaz Azaiza, Bisan Owda, Plestia Alaqad, Hind Khoudary and the veteran journalist Wael al-Dahdouh have brought shocking, heart-rending images straight to our phones. Pictures of weeping parents kneeling over the tiny, bloodied corpses of children have stirred up deep anger against Hamas, the Israeli government and its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and at the complicity of the US, UK and EU governments. Politicians may dominate the narrative, as they gaslight the world with fake facts, but the voices of activists, amplified through social media, are making an indelible mark."

The Patriot News Harrisburg:  Israeli siege has placed Gazans at risk of starvation − prewar policies made them vulnerable in the first place | The Conversation "Yet untangling what Israel’s intentions may be – whether it is using starvation as a weapon of war, to force mass displacement, or if, as it claims, it is simply a byproduct of war – does little for the people on the ground in Gaza. "

"I cannot understand how raw, naked evidence can be overridden by American intellectuals just because the “security” of Israel demands it" Edward Said"

The Philly Palestine Coalition, CAIR, and Jewish Voice for Peace Rally for Justice & Peace: DIVEST FROM GENOCIDE

Please stopping funding Israel and fueling terrorism and war all over the Middle East

Violence is the feel good answer in movies & on TV- not in real life

Religion should be a personal choice, not a state funded project. 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights "Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world..."



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