Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Dear (elected officials): Israel, Palestine, Democracy... and the Rule of Fair and Just Laws & Policies- for a true and lasting peace

Protest for Palestine 2024
 Dear President Biden,

America has its Trail of Tears and Jim Crow laws IN THE PAST.  The Nazi Holocaust with all its horrors is IN THE PAST... but armed Israeli bigotry, violence and injustice is going on right now.

Arab children are being terrorized and starved in Gaza by Israel, because racist Israel wants Palestinians either dead or radicalized and silenced. 

Israel claims to be a democracy but Israel is obsessed with demographics and with demonizing Palestinians.  That is clearly not a democratic value, nor is building a land grabbing Apartheid Wall on illegally occupied territory- or bombing refugee camps.

John Stewart has a recent show on the Israel/Palestine conflict "The Futile Crescent" where he makes jokes about American hypocrisy, and the cruel craziness of Christian Zionism, but Stewart drops the ball totally when it comes to seeing the full picture from 1948, when Zionists first chose to impoverish and displace the native non-Jewish Population of the Holy Land.

One state or two or three to end the Israel/Palestine conflict, a lasting peace can only start with a fully secular understanding of democracy... and the rule of fair and just laws.  

After WWII the vital importance of respecting every refugee's inalienable right to return to original homes and lands was a known factor in building a better, more just world.  Please start there- with full respect for basic human rights, including but not limited to UN Resolution 194 regarding the Palestinian refugees' right to return to original homes and lands. 

We should be fully funding UNWRA.

We should not be funding racist Israel and its ongoing violations of international law and the native non-Jewish Palestinians basic human rights. 



Anne Selden Annab


UN’s Palestinian aid agency UNWRA ‘at breaking point’ after $450m budget shortfall

The world should thank South Africa for standing against genocide in Gaza

The Guardian: Israel is deliberately starving Palestinians, United Nations rights expert say

US Air Force member died setting himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy Washington DC #FreePalestine Aaron Bushnell 1999-2024

Gary Burge, Wheaton College professor, explaining why he is no longer a Christian Zionist.

Famous #Gaza artist Fathi Ghaben passed away this morning while awaiting Israeli permission to travel abroad for medical treatment, despite numerous appeals.

The New Yorker: My Family’s Daily Struggle to Find Food in Gaza by Palestinian Poet Mosab Abu Toha

Jews don watermelon kippahs in Gaza solidarity #Palestine

Where you stand matters

Every nation that has divested funding from UNWRA is complicit in the starvation of human beings... and the torture of children

Our beloved "friend" Israel has been actively oppressing, demonizing, impoverishing, and displacing the native non-Jewish people of historic Palestine and has been since 1948.

"I cannot understand how raw, naked evidence can be overridden by American intellectuals just because the “security” of Israel demands it" Edward Said

Violence is the feel good answer in movies & on TV- not in real life

Religion should be a personal choice, not a state funded project. 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights "Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world..."

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