Saturday, January 6, 2024

Mourning books (& lives) lost due to rampant Israeli violence & anti-Palestine paranoia

"Prior to the Nakba my grandfather had amassed one of the finest and largest libraries in Palestine, many books he’d aquired here during his yrs at Yale and over the course of a lifetime... He lost it all in the Nakba. It’s part of the great book robbery project. He never ceased mourning over it. So it pains me so much when I see this, the anguish is really very acute. One thing is no one can ever remove the words contained in the books and we will make certain it’s not only replaced but doubled. Please know you are never but a breath away from our hearts or minds. Stay strong. Hugs for you all."  Rima Isam Anabtawi


"These books that were destroyed will give birth to more poems, more stories, more tales, and much more hope..."  Mosab Abu Toha

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