Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Dear President Biden - I have hope

Dear President Biden,

I have hope- hope that more concerned human beings will find the courage to nonviolently do all they can to convince Americans to stop funding and fueling Israel's racist rage and genocidal war against the native non-Jewish people of the Holy Land.

Yes you might have stopped reading right there, because you don't want to think of Israel as the villain: Beloved hymns and prayers sing Israel's praises.  TV ads/entertainment/news & newspapers polish up Israel's image at every turn with both news & opinion pieces. And preachers hoping for End Times want all Jews to go there to be destroyed.  There are many different and contradictory factors stoking the Zionist project.

I know that it is hard to understand and even harder to admit being wrong about our "friend" Israel, but we must. We must realize that even Oslo and the promise of a two state solution to end the Israel-Palestine conflict has been abused by sovereign Israel to further impoverish and displace the stateless Palestinians.

We should not be funding, arming, and excusing a nation state that bases citizenship rights and freedom on a person's religion or race.  Kudos to South Africa for seeing and condemning Israel's Apartheid and genocidal war on Palestine, and kudos to all worldwide who never ever forget Palestine, and the very real plight and suffering of Palestinian individuals and families.


Anne Selden Annab


Religion should be a personal, private choice, not a state funded project

Responses to genocide are often determined by where the crime is committed, and what the victims look like...  How can so many in the West so easily ignore genocide?

Art by Rami Jubran - Nurturing Life #Palestine

Susan Muaddi Darraj: There are 12 different ways to say "friend" in Arabic, and I believe South Africa embodies all of them. 

South Africa has had enough of the world’s deafening silence on apartheid Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Dear... Violence is the feel good answer in movies & on TV- not in real life.

Revealed: Congress backers of Gaza war received most from pro-Israel donors

The third Arab journalist murdered in less than 48 hours by Israel - at least 111 journalists murdered in the last 95 days by Israel

The human cost and the environmental cost of war in the Middle East is horrifying, and yet America's mainstream newspapers, TV news, and politicians itch to have more & more war, investing in Israeli violence at every turn. 

Emissions from Israel’s war in Gaza have ‘immense’ effect on climate catastrophe

The Basarat Home in Palestine USURPED by Zionists... but never ever forgotten by its rightful owners and heirs. 

How apartheid history shaped South Africa’s genocide case against Israel- in The Guardian

Mourning books (& lives) lost due to rampant Israeli violence & anti-Palestine paranoia

Child of Handala - a modern interpretation of the 21st-century generation of Palestinian Nakba survivors.

Ralph Nader on Gaza Ceasefire & Why Suppression of Palestine Advocacy Is the Real Problem on Campus

Dr. Salman Abu Sitta: The tiny Gaza Strip, only 1.3% of Palestine, became a temporary home for 2.3 million Palestinian refugees.

Dear... Stop racist hate- start by stopping Israeli violence, and the Zionist stranglehold on your brain.

My letter to USA Today 1-5-2024 RE 50-year friendship offers a close look at caring dialogue on Israeli-Palestinian conflict

My letter to the New Yorker RE Mosab Abu Toha's A Palestinian Poet’s Perilous Journey Out of Gaza

Ibtisam Barakat: A Palestinian Whose Childhood Was Destroyed by War Pleads for Peace- Never letting children endure war again is the “never again” that might actually heal our wounded humanity.

But where should people go... 

Israel eases up on bombing parts of Gaza, but only as famine and disease take their hold. 

I hear reports and see TV commercials showing that Anti-Semitism and other forms of racist hate is increasing. We need to stop that trend

Together, we have the power to shift the narrative on Palestine and build a future of collective liberation- Visualizing Palestine NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS

Like Palestinians in the rest of east Jerusalem, most Armenians do not hold Israeli citizenship but only residency...

The Jewish settlers 'living the American dream' in the West Bank

"Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?

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