Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Dear President Biden (etc) What Others See

Israel's Apartheid Wall in Palestine

Dear President Biden (etc)

In the Middle East and beyond Arabs & Muslims etc get a steady stream of Israeli violence live streamed from Gaza, while here in the West we get polished up Zionist propaganda aimed at keeping American money & weapons flowing into Zionist hands.

The international court of justice recently ordered Israel to prevent acts of genocide by its troops in Gaza, and to allow more aid into the besieged territory. 

In the Middle East and beyond they find a huge glimmer of hope in South Africa using a court of law to try to stop Israeli violence & allow aid into Gaza. 

BUT here in the misguided West our elected leaders are inspired by the ICJ ruling to cut funding from international law & the main charity for Palestine refugees, UNWRA, that feeds Palestinian refugees trapped in Gaza as well as in all the many more refugee camps crowded with Palestinian families forced from their original homes & lands by Zionist soldiers and politicians since 1948. 

In the Middle East and beyond they ask why Israel is allowed to "defend" itself, but Arabs and Muslims are not allowed to do so. 

In the West our own homegrown terrorists are seen as separate individuals with life stories that might explain what went wrong, while we are told that Arab terrorism in the Middle East is SPONSORED BY IRAN.  Seriously, is Western intelligence so racist that we can not conceive of Arab individuals and groups being bright enough to think their own thoughts, draw their own conclusions, and then decide on their own to hate America due to our total lack of interest and empathy for the very real plight and suffering of the people of historic Palestine.

If we want to stop escalating violence & war worldwide, we have to start with our own misguided support for Israeli Apartheid in the Holy Land.


Anne Selden Annab


Religion should be a personal choice, not a state funded project.

2 more Palestinian journalists killed in Gaza: In two months, Israel killed more journalists than those killed in some of the bloodiest wars in history

Hala Alyan in The Guardian: ‘I am not there and I am not here’: a Palestinian American poet on bearing witness to atrocity

Smear Campaign Against UN's Palestinian Refugee Agency Taken Apart

Mawtini, Edward Said National Conservatory of Music & Qattan CFC, November 6, 2015, Gaza, Palestine - children's choir

Israel's War on Palestinian men, women and children imprisoned in Gaza & the Illegally Occupied West Bank... latest figures Oct 7-Jan 28 

Are we a nation that sincerely respects real democracy with the rule of fair and just laws honoring all basic human rights and international laws...

CSM: Settler extremists widen campaign against Palestinians


Dance Me To The End Of Life

Whats better than preventing a genocide on a remembrance day πŸ•―️ #CeasefireForGazaNOW #Palestine

BBC News: A painting by the Austrian artist Gustav Klimt, that was believed lost for 100 years, has been found in Vienna.

Please DARE SPEAK OUT to advocate a just and lasting peace for all people, not just your chosen favorites.

Revealed: review of internal state department documents shows special mechanisms have been used to shield Israel from US human rights laws

THE NATION: A rank-and-file campaign inside the National Education Association is demanding the president stop “sending military funding, equipment, and intelligence to Israel.”

South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ said “never again” and lived up to it.

Remembering Tom Hurndall 1981-2004 Killed by an Israeli Snipper as he carried Palestinian Children to safety

Nesrine Malik in The Guardian: It’s not only Israel on trial. South Africa is testing the west’s claim to moral superiority

The Basarat Home in Palestine USURPED by Zionists... but never ever forgotten by its rightful owners and heirs.

Mosab Abu Toha: "She is reading from a book..."

'Stunned, angry, and infuriated': Journalists address US silence on colleagues killed in Gaza

Ben & Jerry’s has called for a ceasefire in Gaza, making it one of the first multinational companies to do so since Israel began bombing civilians in Gaza over 100 days ago.

I have hope

Responses to genocide are often determined by where the crime is committed, and what the victims look like...  How can so many in the West so easily ignore genocide?

Susan Muaddi Darraj: There are 12 different ways to say "friend" in Arabic, and I believe South Africa embodies all of them. 

Violence is the feel good answer in movies & on TV- not in real life.

Revealed: Congress backers of Gaza war received most from pro-Israel donors

The human cost and the environmental cost of war in the Middle East is horrifying, and yet America's mainstream newspapers, TV news, and politicians itch to have more & more war, investing in Israeli violence at every turn. 

Emissions from Israel’s war in Gaza have ‘immense’ effect on climate catastrophe

"Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?

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