Sunday, December 17, 2023

Why is a foreign country so free to swindle and trick America into supporting religious tyranny and rampant injustice?!

1948 Palestinian refugees refused their natural, logical, moral, ethical and legal right to return to original homes and lands.

 Dear Biden, Harris, & Congress..etc..,

Israel's war is a fierce war on the besieged & starving Palestinians, as well as a manipulative war of words on America everywhere I look: 

Why is a foreign country so free to swindle and trick America into supporting religious tyranny and rampant injustice?!

Read the international papers- Israeli leaders are clear they do not want a Palestinian state. Jews worldwide can move to Israel & Jews worldwide are also able to return to original homes and lands throughout Europe (& get EU citizenship) since the Nazi Holocaust. 

BUT Israel refuses to allow Palestinians to return to their original homes and lands in historic Palestine.

UNWRA was created in 1950 to aid Arabs pushed out of their homes in historic Palestine by Jewish terrorists.  Meanwhile 75 years since the founding of Israel the forced displacement & murder of Palestinian men, women and children continues as Israeli soldiers and settlers harass, impoverish, & kill Palestinians in the West Bank, and the IDF aggressively bombs and kills Palestinians trapped in Gaza.

The Israeli war of words here in America is also escalating with Israeli lies & misinformation obscuring and hiding the very real plight & suffering of the Palestinians:  

On twitter today a post by UNWRA "You cannot deliver aid under a sky full of airstrikes" gets a huge nasty negative response from Zionists eager to #defundUNWRA.  

On our mainstream TV Zionists create slick content and commercials to gain more American support. 

There are Zionist charities advertising- begging for individual donations from the naive... meanwhile  every American tax payer is forced to fund Israel. 

Why is Israel's ongoing RACIST persecution, oppression, displacement, and murder of the native non-Jewish men, women, and children of Palestine ignored by our mainstream media ?! 

Why are we being led astray by our Fourth Estate, our elected officials, and far too many churches & religious leaders.

Religion should be a private choice- not state funded.


Anne Selden Annab

American Homemaker & Poet


"You cannot deliver aid under a sky full of airstrikes" UNWRA's Juliette Touma

Always remembering Palestine, no matter where we are, who we are, or what we are doing ... #Flag #FreePalestine

"Faith is the history of many generations, which gives ordinary people the power to carry on, even after 71 days of genocide. Faith is the secret ingredient that propels Palestinian forward until they win their freedom." Ramzy Baroud

Under the shadow of war in Gaza, Jesus’ traditional birthplace is gearing up for a subdued Christmas... "More than 18,700 Palestinians have been killed and more than 50,000 wounded during Israel’s blistering air and ground offensive against Gaza"

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel "indifference to evil is worse than evil itself..."

Israeli sniper murdered two Palestinian CHRISTIAN women inside The Holy Family Parish in Gaza, where many of Gaza's Christians have taken shelter

Al Jazeera has referred Israel's most recent targeted intentional assassination of journalist Samer Abu Daqqa to the International Criminal Court.

One the most iconic images of the Holy Land is the fish and loaves mosaic in the Church of the Multiplication at Tabgha on the shore of the Sea of Galilee.

Christmas Carols & Lessons with Bethlehem, Praying for Peace in the Holy Land and celebrating hope - December 16th 2023 at 10am EST & 5pm Bethlehem time

Father Yusif Asead celebrating Mass in Gaza in the most horrifying conditions.

Star of Bethlehem Quilt circa 1845 & Susan Muaddi Darraj's friendly annual reminder that this symbol you see everywhere this time of year is *not* a snowflake.

Christ was a Palestinian ... a small collection of (older) poems by Anne Selden Annab in Growing Gardens for Palestine #Christmas

How Israeli settler violence is forcing Palestinians to flee their homes – video in The Guardian

My elderly relatives first fled for their lives in 1948. In Gaza right now they are walking the Nakba again- Ghada Ageel in The Guardian

TikTok isn’t creating false support for Palestine. It’s just reflecting what’s already there.

106 years ago (11 December 1917) the #Crusaders returned, led by England's General Allenby- his name now a bridge where Palestinians wait to be harassed by racist Israel's minions

With the children of #Gaza on my mind and forever in my heart 💔 Moonlight...By Mike Odetalla

If Americans Knew- The number of motherless, fatherless babies and children in Gaza is skyrocketing.

An American Muslim student’s perspective on the Palestinian-Israeli crisis in the Stanford Daily December 8 2023

Speak Up For Those Who Cannot Speak for Themselves, for the Rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and Judge Fairly...

Crucial progress in human history is being swatted away by Biden's bungling and blundering Israel first perspective... my letter to my elected officials here in America

Spread the word: End the Genocide in Gaza

Harvard and UPenn presidents walked into a trap in Congress- they were asked about non-existent calls for genocide on American campuses, while the potential dangers of genocide in Gaza were ignored

100 Rabbis in New York City created and lit a beautiful CEASEFIRE menorah for Hanukkah 2023

Our Congress created a storm of news condemning "anti-Semitism", a storm of news that totally ignores the very real plight and suffering of the native non-Jewish men, women, and children of historic Palestine (who also happen to be Semites)

It’s sadly reported that one of Gaza’s most prominent poets, Saleem Al-Naffar, has been buried since last Thursday with his family under the rubble of the house where he sought refuge in Gaza City. The bodies can’t be retrieved. No one can check whether any person can be rescued.

Palestinians cancel Christmas celebrations amid Gaza devastation: 'No celebrations during genocide'

Israel-Palestine war: Why Gaza genocide is seen as an existential threat to Jordan

Ramallah Friends School Song to the World 

Today, Human Rights Day marks the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration. If there was ever a moment to rekindle the hope of human rights for everyone, it is now.- Forge a path of hope, unity and justice with Morgan Freeman

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is less complicated than you've been taught

There is mass murder [GENOCIDE] being carried out in Gaza and the world is just watching. This can’t go on

SHAME ON US for the US veto of a UN Security Council resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza!

The Palestinian poet, writer, literature professor, and activist Dr. Refaat Alareer was killed today in a targeted Israeli airstrike that also killed his brother, his sister, and her four children.

Palestinians at UN distribution points in Gaza - 2.2 million people are food insecure. People are dying from bombs and soon many will die from consequences of the Israeli siege imposed on Gaza.

The sacred between mother and child captured in two images across time... Palestine past & Palestine present.

The Little Prince and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - both 75 years old & And both impart messages of hope and dignity that are available for all.

Pointing out facts about Israeli Apartheid and Zionist brutality is not racism... my letter to my elected leaders

We won’t stop speaking out about Gaza’s suffering – there is no climate justice without human rights - Greta Thunberg


Pray for Palestine

An Ongoing Displacement- The Forced Exile of the Palestinians since 1922

Invest Time & Money in American Ideals - NOT ISRAEL ... letter to my elected officials

Today's Nativity scene inspired by Israeli Bombing Campaigns 2023 #Gaza #Bethlehem, #Palestine #Christmas

Nativity in Bethlehem 2023 - Baby Jesus in the rubble, a symbol of hope reflecting the current reality of the Israeli made genocide in Gaza right now.  Pastor Munther Isaac & 
Bethlehem's Evangelical Lutheran Church

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