Thursday, December 28, 2023

UN asks Israel to end 'unlawful killings' in West Bank & Read more: ‘I was very terrified’: The ordeal of two children detained by Israeli forces in Gaza

[Please notice the trend: Palestinians 
1. in Israel, 
2. in the West Bank, 
3. in Gaza 
all attacked, harassed, & impoverished by racist Israel... day after day, decade after decade]

UN asks Israel to end 'unlawful killings' in West Bank

28 December 2023

 A United Nations report issued Thursday said the human rights situation in the occupied West Bank was rapidly deteriorating and urged Israel to "end unlawful killings" against the Palestinian population.

"The use of military tactics and weapons in law enforcement contexts, the use of unnecessary or disproportionate force, and the enforcement of broad, arbitrary and discriminatory movement restrictions that affect Palestinians are extremely troubling," UN rights chief Volker Turk said in a statement.

& Read more: ‘I was very terrified’: The ordeal of two children detained by Israeli forces in Gaza

Children play on the roof of a building in Rafah, on the southern Gaza Strip on 21 December 2023 (Mohammed Abed/AFP)
Children play on the roof of a building in Rafah, on the southern Gaza Strip on 21 December 2023 (Mohammed Abed/AFP)
A girl, 10, and her brother, six, were detained on Israel’s so-called ‘safe corridor’. They were interrogated...

The so-called “safe corridor”, established by invading Israeli troops in Gaza in October, is used by Palestinians forced to leave northern areas of the strip to the south.

However, scores of eyewitnesses and rights groups say the corridor is anything but safe, accusing Israeli forces of using it to kill, detain, and abuse Palestinians. 

Hundreds of Palestinians have been detained while taking the journey since the start of the war, including doctors, women and children... READ MORE

& read more 

 Armed settlers, backed by Israeli security forces, attempt to occupy almost 25 percent of Armenian Quarter in 'existential threat' to centuries-old community

A convoy of Israeli settlers' cars and motorcycles entered the Armenian Quarter in occupied East Jerusalem on Wednesday, looking to usurp the Armenian-held area, the community has said in a statement. 

The Movement for the Protection and Preservation of the Armenian Quarter, in a post on Instagram, warned that tensions were high and that Israeli police had “without probable cause” arrested three Armenians, including a minor, while backing Israeli settlers. 

“Instead of removing the trespassers, the Israeli police permitted a few settlers to continue their presence intended to possess the Armenian property,” said the community in a statement. 

With Israel’s war on Gaza taking much of the world's attention, Israeli settlers in the occupied territories, including the Old City in East Jerusalem, have increasingly used the distraction to press illegal land claims.

The movement said that the attempt by Israeli settlers to overrun the “Armenian Gardens” - known as the “Cows' Garden” in the Old City of Jerusalem, was a “malicious attempt to change facts on the ground”.

“We are fighting now for the integrity of the Armenian and Christian quarters,” said Hagop Djernazian, a co-founder of the movement to save the Armenian quarter, and member of the Jerusalemite Armenian Community.... READ MORE

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