Monday, December 25, 2023

This icon is placed over the altar above the place of Jesus’s birth on the Feast of the Incarnation, at the place of the birth of the Christ-child in the Basilica of the Nativity, Bethlehem.

Our Advent Calendar concludes at the place of the birth of the Christ-child in the Basilica of the Nativity, Bethlehem. 

This icon is placed over the altar above the place of Jesus’s birth on the Feast of the Incarnation. 

And so we come also to worship the one born to be Messiah. 

As we celebrate this Christmas in the midst of war and division, we remember all those who suffer the impact of the war, the hostages and their families, and especially the innocent in Gaza whose suffering knows no bounds. We pray that the Christ-child who comes as the Prince of Peace will lead us into that peace with justice for which he was born, which he lived and preached and for which he died. 

At St George’s College we send this with prayers for the blessings of Christmas to be with you all.

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