Monday, December 11, 2023

Our Congress created a storm of news condemning "anti-Semitism", a storm of news that totally ignores the very real plight and suffering of the native non-Jewish men, women, and children of historic Palestine (who also happen to be Semites)

2023 Nativity in Bethlehem's Evangelical Lutheran Church

Dear President Biden, VP Harris, Congress, etc,

Here in America any speech supporting war for Israel is welcome, but dare call for an end to Israeli Apartheid and you are falsely labeled anti-Semitic.  

This month, our Congress formally harassed 3 college presidents because those 3 college presidents support students' free speech.  Free speech here in America is free, unless you criticize Israel. Then you lose your job.

Our Congress created a storm of news condemning "anti-Semitism", a storm of news that totally ignores the very real plight and suffering of the native non-Jewish men, women, and children of historic Palestine (who also happen to be Semites)

Abhorring injustice and hypocrisy is applauded here in America, unless the injustice and hypocrisy you abhor is the misuse of American taxpayer's money to arm and excuse Israel's Apartheid violence.

Israel does not practice real democracy with full and equal rights for all, nor does Israel want a two state solution and peace with Palestine. Jews-preferred Israel wants every inch of the Holy Land, plus wage slaves for ongoing Zionist schemes- including the constant bribing and brainwashing of American leadership.  

Yesterday was 75 years since the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:  Israel celebrates 75 years by bombing and killing Palestinian poets and journalists, thinkers and dreamers, doctors, artists, accountants, archivists, cooks... etc.. silencing the story in every way it can.  

And Biden celebrates the widespread destruction of Palestinian homes, families, and life by handing Israel more deadly weapons to maim, wound, traumatize and kill even more Palestinian children. 

Christmas is coming. Palestinians are the original Christians.  A Palestinian baby was the original Christ:  Let there be love and hope prying open hearts and minds to care about ALL God's children, ALL human families, and the rule of fair and just laws and investments.


Anne Selden Annab

American Homemaker & Poet


It’s sadly reported that one of Gaza’s most prominent poets, Saleem Al-Naffar, has been buried since last Thursday with his family under the rubble of the house where he sought refuge in Gaza City. The bodies can’t be retrieved. No one can check whether any person can be rescued.

Palestinians cancel Christmas celebrations amid Gaza devastation: 'No celebrations during genocide'

Israel-Palestine war: Why Gaza genocide is seen as an existential threat to Jordan

Joe Biden and other Western leaders will say all the right words. But what they’re allowing Israel to do in Gaza just makes human rights work harder in the Middle East.

Ramallah Friends School Song to the World 

Today, Human Rights Day marks the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration. If there was ever a moment to rekindle the hope of human rights for everyone, it is now.- Forge a path of hope, unity and justice with Morgan Freeman

DEMOCRACY NOW interview 2023:“Terrorized”: Gaza Poet Mosab Abu Toha on Being Stripped, Jailed & Beaten by Israeli Forces 

This olive tree is situated on the Hebron Road just outside Bethlehem. It marks a contrast with the brutal and life-restricting Wall of Separation behind it, which fences in the Palestinian people.

Palestinian Tatreez designs decorating a Christmas Cake

Christmas Carols & Lessons with Bethlehem, Praying for Peace in the Holy Land and celebrating hope - December 16th 2023 at 10am EST & 5pm Bethlehem time 

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is less complicated than you've been taught

There is mass murder [GENOCIDE] being carried out in Gaza and the world is just watching. This can’t go on

SHAME ON US for the US veto of a UN Security Council resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza!

The Palestinian poet, writer, literature professor, and activist Dr. Refaat Alareer was killed today in a targeted Israeli airstrike that also killed his brother, his sister, and her four children.

Palestinians at UN distribution points in Gaza - 2.2 million people are food insecure. People are dying from bombs and soon many will die from consequences of the Israeli siege imposed on Gaza.

We are not numbers- Lubna Alyaan, a 14-year-old prodigious musician, aspired to achieve international acclaim as a violinist, proudly representing her homeland #Palestine: Killed by Israeli bombs with her family in Gaza 2023.

Who Shall Remember How? Palestinian Poets Respond- gems in The Los Angeles Review of Books December 4th 2023

The sacred between mother and child captured in two images across time... Palestine past & Palestine present.

The Little Prince and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - both 75 years old & And both impart messages of hope and dignity that are available for all.

“It’s super dangerous. It sets a really, really bad precedent. It’s aiming to criminalise our liberation struggle and our call for justice and peace and equality,” Husam Marajda

Pointing out facts about Israeli Apartheid and Zionist brutality is not racism... my letter to my elected leaders

We won’t stop speaking out about Gaza’s suffering – there is no climate justice without human rights - Greta Thunberg


Pray for Palestine

An Ongoing Displacement- The Forced Exile of the Palestinians since 1922

Invest Time & Money in American Ideals - NOT ISRAEL ... letter to my elected officials

Today's Nativity scene inspired by Israeli Bombing Campaigns 2023 #Gaza #Bethlehem, #Palestine #Christmas 


1948: Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world... READ MORE



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