Wednesday, December 27, 2023

My letter to my elected officials: Hamas violence, Israeli violence, American violence, domestic violence- ALL are ALL WRONG & totally counter-productive.

Norman Rockwell's Golden Rule- United Nations
Dear Elected Leaders

Hamas violence, Israeli violence, American violence, domestic violence- ALL are ALL WRONG & totally counter-productive.

Do you want fair and just laws and policies to shape a better future for more people, or do you want to send the message that violence "wins?"

Winning with violence is a dangerous delusion. Those left to tell the tale write the story. That used to mean the side with the strongest army & the best weaponry including the most talented writers and extensive propaganda wins.  Not anymore. In today's world, with global communications witnesses see, share, and show the vile cruelty of war and home demolitions.

The Genie is out of the bottle as real human beings describe the murder of beloved family members, and the horrors of being forced into exile over and over again: The very real plight and suffering of the native non-Jewish Palestinian men, women and children is a crime against humanity, and has been since 1948 when racist Israel refused to respect the refugees right of return. Now racist Israel is hell-bent on the pulverization of Palestinian refugee camps. 

Racism and corruption are a bad way to shape our foreign policy & any government: Please stop arming, empowering, and excusing Israel.


Anne Selden Annab

American homemaker & poet


Israel has killed more than 21,000 indigenous Palestinian HUMAN BEINGS in Gaza, the majority of those killed or injured have been women and children.

Church leaders in Bethlehem cancel Christmas celebrations

Israel’s Christmas present to the tiny Baptist church in Gaza on the second Christmas Day is a tank shell that penetrated the building and damaged and destroyed the interior.

US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption

Displaced with his family, Sulieman Tarazi sought refuge at Saint Porphyries church, where he extended help to everyone around him. He was killed by Zionists Oct 19, 2023

250 Palestinians have been killed and 500 wounded in the past 24 hours. A holocaust is happening right before our eyes in Gaza, and world leaders refuse to stop it.

Howard Thurman: I Will Light Candles this Christmas & The Work of Christmas

All I want for Christmas is a Right of Return FREE PALESTINE

A mural painted of Wael Dahdouh - Binnish, Idlib province, Syria

Spelling it out... a perfect perch for the Dove of Peace

Bethlehem’s bombed-out nativity sculpture sends a powerful message

Bethlehem Pastor Rev Munther Isaac criticises Western hypocrisy and Church complicity in Gaza crisis

Basilica of the Nativity in Nazareth has a patinated bronze statue of St Joseph with shiny knees from the affection people have show him through the years #Palestine

"Hope” by Palestinian artist, Sliman Mansour

This icon is placed over the altar above the place of Jesus’s birth on the Feast of the Incarnation, at the place of the birth of the Christ-child in the Basilica of the Nativity, Bethlehem.

I’m a Palestinian Christian in Gaza. I want peace—for my homeland and my family.

Dear Santa

“Jesus Would Be Killed in Gaza” Peter Oborne’s Alternative Christmas Message

In solidarity with the people of Gaza, Bethlehem cancels its annual Christmas festivities. #Palestine #Christians

"A message of great hope accompanied by this light of the Christmas star despite the great sadness and despite the ugly occupation…" Bethlehem's Manger Square Christmas 2023 "The Holy Family, the first Palestinian refugee family" illustrating the ongoing Nakba by artist Tariq Salsa

Mosab Abu Toha "If you are celebrating Christmas, please make sure to decorate your Christmas tree๐ŸŽ„ with some slices of watermelon to honor Palestine and some strawberries to honor Refaat... And never stop demanding a ceasefire!"

All I want for Christmas is a free Palestine- Josh Mayfield an artist for Palestine

Susan Muaddi Darraj: "Thank you, @ensarasbookcorner , for including BEHIND YOU IS THE SEA ๐ŸŒŠ in your "most anticipated releases of 2024"! And thanks for this gorgeous graphic!"

Up on the border of Israel (actually occupied Syria) and Syria with Lebanon, is the ancient site of the Hellenistic era town... the source of the river Jordan

"Christ In The Rubble" By artist Kelly Latimore of Kelly Latimore Icons... hoping to create "more dialogue among Christians in the United States during this holy season about the ways our beliefs and actions - or lack thereof - contribute to the violence we're currently witnessing in Gaza"

Historical photo of the day: In 2011, thirteen thousand Palestinian children smashed a Guinness World Record on a beach in northern Gaza for the largest number of people flying kites simultaneously.

Americans in Jerusalem Are Helping Kick Out Palestinians... What is a guy from Virginia doing building a fence around a Palestinian home in Jerusalem?!

The plight of Gaza’s ‘WCNSFs’ – wounded child, no surviving family: "The numbers of Gaza’s dead, wounded and orphaned children are uncertain but there is no question they have borne the brunt of the war"

Don't let our tax dollars pollute the Holy Land with more bullets & bombs... & racist hate

Invest Time & Money in American Ideals - NOT ISRAEL ... letter to my elected officials

"Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?

The UN Mediator for Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, believed that the Palestinians displaced had a right to return to their homes and wrote several UN reports to that effect.

"It would be an offence against the principles of elemental justice if these innocent victims of the conflict were denied the right to return to their homes while Jewish immigrants flow into Palestine, and, indeed, at least offer the threat of permanent replacement of the Arab refugees who have been rooted in the land for centuries."

Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the group Lehi, a Zionist terrorist organization, commonly known in the West as the Stern Gang

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world

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