Sunday, December 3, 2023

My letter to The Guardian Re The daily, grinding violence in the West Bank is worse than ever before. Why does it go unseen?

Online meme 2023 Israel's War on Gaza

RE The daily, grinding violence in the West Bank is worse than ever before. Why does it go unseen?

Dear Sir,

Thank you for publishing Layth Hanbali's revealing article "The daily, grinding violence in the West Bank is worse than ever before. Why does it go unseen?" .  

I live in America and our mainstream news media totally fails to cover the full ugly story of Israel and the very real plight and suffering of the native non-Jewish Palestinians. 

Zionist propagandists and war mongers are greedy for our sympathy, support, money, and bombs, and tragically for all, our elected leaders would rather believe Zionist lies about Jewish peace and security than notice how dangerously wrong this situation is for everyone. 

At the heart of the matter religion should not be armed with lethal weaponry and tax payers' money. Furthermore, a person's religion, or lack thereof, should never ever be a determining factor for citizenship or respect.  

75 years into the 'conflict' Palestinian men, women and children continue to be cruelly persecuted, oppressed, and displaced by racist bigots who clearly want the land, but not the indigenous people of that land.


Anne Selden Annab


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O Little Town of Bethlehem, Palestine

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