Friday, December 8, 2023

Happy Hanukkah Governor Shapiro- May the Festival of Lights bring you hope- and more clarity


Happy Hanukkah

Dear Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro,

May the Festival of Lights bring you hope- and more clarity:  Antisemitism is evil & wrong AND there is a huge danger right here now in America with political leaders foolishly claiming that criticizing Israel or Zionism is antisemitism.  

Since early autumn this year U of Penn Pres. Liz Magill has been slammed & harassed for allowing a Palestinian Literature Festival on the U of Penn Campus. That was more than a month before HAMAS's despicable attack on the music festival. 

American tax payers are being forced to fund, arm, & empower Israel as Israel persecutes & bombs Palestinian men, women and children- and the Jewish hostages.

Our college students have a right to research and object to injustice and flagrant violations of international law and basic human rights. 

Far too many of our elected officials and news anchors misuse their podiums & fame to persuade America to look away while Israel displaces, impoverishes, harasses, & kills the native non-Jewish people of the Holy Land.


Anne Selden Annab

Pennsylvania USA 


The Palestinian poet, writer, literature professor, and activist Dr. Refaat Alareer was killed today in a targeted Israeli airstrike that also killed his brother, his sister, and her four children.

UNRWA shelters are OVERFLOWING. There is NOT ENOUGH aid to meet the overwhelming needs - Heavy bombardment & resumption of [Israeli] military operation[s] have made the situation in #Gaza desperate. Conditions required to deliver aid DO NOT exist.

Palestinians at UN distribution points in Gaza - 2.2 million people are food insecure. People are dying from bombs and soon many will die from consequences of the Israeli siege imposed on Gaza.

We are not numbers- Lubna Alyaan, a 14-year-old prodigious musician, aspired to achieve international acclaim as a violinist, proudly representing her homeland #Palestine: Killed by Israeli bombs with her family in Gaza 2023.

Who Shall Remember How? Palestinian Poets Respond- gems in The Los Angeles Review of Books December 4th 2023

The sacred between mother and child captured in two images across time... Palestine past & Palestine present.

The Little Prince and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - both 75 years old & And both impart messages of hope and dignity that are available for all.

“It’s super dangerous. It sets a really, really bad precedent. It’s aiming to criminalise our liberation struggle and our call for justice and peace and equality,” Husam Marajda

Pointing out facts about Israeli Apartheid and Zionist brutality is not racism... my letter to my elected leaders

We won’t stop speaking out about Gaza’s suffering – there is no climate justice without human rights - Greta Thunberg


Pray for Palestine

An Ongoing Displacement- The Forced Exile of the Palestinians since 1922

Invest Time & Money in American Ideals - NOT ISRAEL ... letter to my elected officials

Today's Nativity scene inspired by Israeli Bombing Campaigns 2023 #Gaza #Bethlehem, #Palestine #Christmas

GAZA UPDATE: More than 6,600 Palestinian children in Gaza have been killed by Israeli forces since October 7, according to the Governmental Media Office. Thousands more are still missing under the rubble.

The Universal Declaration is a roadmap, helping to end wars, heal divisions and promote lives of peace and dignity for all. Learn more & join the movement to help achieve a world of freedom, equality & justice for all

My letter to The Guardian RE The people of Gaza need a UN protection force

The daily, grinding violence in the West Bank is worse than ever before. Why does it go unseen? ... in The Guardian

Symbols of #Palestine

O Little Town of Bethlehem, Palestine

"We collect, translate and publish texts from Palestinian writers confronting the genocide in Gaza, to lift up their words." @arablit : Hiba Abu Nada 1991-2023

Israeli settlers steal Palestinian farmers’ land in occupied West Bank: Emboldened by curfews and raids on Palestinians, illegal settlers have stepped up violence and property theft.

Dear Elected Leaders- Yes there are still some useful idiots willing to idolize Israel. But good leadership should not.

To quote a well known American hero...  "Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children."  I Have A Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr.  in 1963

1948: Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world... READ MORE


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