Wednesday, November 22, 2023

When Israel kidnaps Palestinians, holding them without charge or trial, no one calls those Palestinians hostages- but we should.

Pray for the Day protest sign 2023
 RE Hostages in Gaza & Israel

Dear President Biden,

When Israel kidnaps Palestinians, holding them without charge or trial, no one calls those Palestinians hostages- but we should.

Before HAMAS's despicable October 7 attack Israel was holding nearly 5,200 Palestinian detainees, including 170 children, 33 female prisoners... nearly a month later... the number of political prisoners has risen to 7,000, including 200 child prisoners, 100 female prisoners, and 2,070 administrative detainees.

Those detainee numbers represent real human beings with thoughts and feelings and hopes and dreams of real freedom and justice. 

Israel's state sponsored violence and injustice is pervasive from "the river to the sea" and has been for decades: In addition to numerous home demolitions and land grabs, the arrest and torture of Palestinian men, women and children are just as much a part of Israel’s assault on the native non-Jewish people of historic Palestine as any airstrike.

As of yesterday Israel has killed 17,144 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including 7,208 children, 3,716 women, and a total of 15,482 civilians. More than 33,830 Palestinians in Gaza have sustained various injuries.  Meanwhile Israeli soldiers and settlers have killed 216 Palestinians in the West bank in the past 6 weeks.

7,208 children dead, and countless more traumatized children whose homes and families have been destroyed by Israeli bombs and bulldozers... Arming religion with taxpayers' funds plus lethal weaponry is a really bad ideal, with devastating consequences.

Your statements on Israel and Palestine prove your inability to see beyond Israeli propaganda. No foreign country should ever have so much influence over these United States of America.

Did you know that Christians made up about 25% of Jerusalem's population back in 1922, but today they number only 2% of the population. Blame Israel, not HAMAS for that.


Anne Selden Annab


"The escalation of Israel’s arrest and torture campaign has been aided by several legal measures taken by the Israeli government to allow for the collective punishment of Palestinians."  November 20, 2023 The War on Palestinian Political Prisoners: The number of Palestinians in detention has soared since October 7.

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To quote a well known American hero...  "Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children."  I Have A Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr.  in 1963

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Stand for Humanity

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