Thursday, November 2, 2023

We need to empower real democracy with full and equal rights and respect for ALL... here and there!

"US will pay the price"- telling meme making the rounds
Dear Elected Leaders*

Institutionalized racism and injustice is wrong. I believe that with every fiber of my being, and because of that I know that Israel is wrong to persecute, oppress and displace the native non-Jewish people of historic Palestine. 

I suspect your news feed and office chatter is all about everything except the very real plight and suffering of the Palestinians.  You don't see the poignant memes, poetry, photos, and news stories because your priority is all about empowering and protecting Israel.

Perhaps you see Arabs and Muslims as the enemy and Israeli violence as a video game scoring points.  You are not seeing the shocking cartoons depicting Israel armed by the USA killing children. 

You are not seeing the blood split, the 75 year long history of Arab homes pulverized, the orphaned children, the dead brown babies covered in grey concrete dust... or maybe you are seeing the news photos and films and it makes you feel good like the ending of a Hollywood movie when the hero wins by blowing up and destroying his enemy. 

I think you are surrounded by a bubble of misinformation, and you happily bounce along doing cruel things- empowering injustice here and there- like voting to give 8 billion dollars of American tax payers' hard earned money to a racist war machine called Israel. 

STOP promoting the bombing of refugee camps filled with families trapped and impoverished by racist Israeli laws and walls. 

START noticing that we need to empower real democracy with full and equal rights and respect for ALL... here and there! 


Anne Selden Annab


From the river to the sea I (من النهر الى البحر ١), oil on canvas, 2021 by Sliman Mansour of Palestine

Loving Watermelons for Palestine

Israel-Palestine war: A love letter to my Palestinian family around the world by Susan Muaddi Darraj

Dear Elected Leader- Please stop empowering Israeli racism and violence.

Human Rights are NON-NEGOTIABLE

‘I’m so full of grief’: thousands take to the streets in support of Gaza

"The Immigrant" a painting by Sliman Mansour of Palestine

John Hanna Asfour- a Christian Palestinian... a bit of historical context ... True story by Raymond Khoury

If I must die... a poem by Refaat Alareer

Many Palestinian families still have the keys to the houses they left in 1948. 

Dear President Biden RE our militant "friend" Israel

Gaza must not become a graveyard for international law

(*President Biden, Vice-President Harris, Senators Bob Casey & John Fetterman, Rep Scott Perry )

The UDHR is a landmark document that sets out fundamental human rights to be universally protected and translated into over 500 languages. It was drafted by different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world and has inspired more than seventy human rights treaties.

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