Monday, November 13, 2023

There is nothing humanitarian about a pause in which your two options are to either leave your home forever or die ....

A "novel" idea: Why not starve Israel of bombs & bullets instead of starving Palestinian children of bread & water?

More of Mike Hanini Odetalla's comments & telling posts...

Zionists are talking "From the Euphrates to The Nile" and we're the one's being vilified?

Two Mothers watching over their sons- Same place in the world, over 2,000 years apart

While drug companies do trials to see the effectiveness of drugs, in Gaza, the US & Israel are showcasing their latest weapons on children so they can sell them to prospective customers later on...It's always about the "Benjamin$"


Yes there are over 12,000 dead, but the walking wounded are at least 4 times that, most haven't been treated yet... #Gazagenocide



There but for the grace of God go I  #GazaGenocide

The allegations of mass rape have been dropped by the Israeli government. 
The allegations of forty beheaded Israeli babies have been dropped by the main stream media. 
But the propaganda worked, millions of people were fed false information, shaping their views on the conflict.
We demand all news organizations that spread disinformation to apologize and issue a statement explaining how there is no evidence for the claim that 40 Israeli babies were beheaded.

 Most wars create widows & orphans, not so with the Zionist War on Gaza. They've erased entire families. No survivors left!


Rashida Tlaib with a gift of support from her constituency.

“President Biden’s cruelty and disregard for Palestinians exceeded all previous US presidents.”

Gazans Told to Move South Must Choose Between Israeli Bombardment, Disease, and horrific conditions...Still getting bombed!

The destruction in Gaza is not about Hamas tunnels, no it's a deliberate destruction of essential civil institutions so that people of Gaza have nothing to go back to...


 People clamoring for the ICC should understand that the ICC only punishes minor/3rd world actors!

Those international institutions that rose from the ashes of WW2 have been burned to the ground with their ashes spread over Gaza!


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