Monday, November 20, 2023

It’s #WorldChildrensDay on November 20th every year. The 2023 theme for World Children’s Day is “For every child, every right”.

“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.”   - Nelson Mandela

Every child deserves a long and healthy life and that includes a right to:  
Nutritious food to eat  
Safe, clean and secure environments  
Education and early learning  
Protection from harm 
Precious Palestinian Children Enjoying Watermelons During Happier Times

World Children’s Day is observed on November 20 every year and is dedicated to the little ones who make our life beautiful.

World Children’s Day is UNICEF’s yearly call to action for children, by children, commemorating the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children’s rights are fundamental human rights, yet in many areas today, they face significant challenges.  

 The 2023 theme for World Children’s Day is “For every child, every right”. Originally established in 1954 as Universal Children’s Day, it’s observed on November 20 each year to foster global unity, raise awareness about children’s issues, and enhance their well-being.
Defense for Children
Israeli forces have killed more than 5,000 Palestinian children in Gaza. That's around 9 to 10 classrooms of students being obliterated from the Earth every day by the Israeli military's relentless offensive on Gaza. #WorldChildrensDay
As crisis in the Middle East deepens,  @UNHumanRights  chief @volker_turk   calls for adherence to international humanitarian law and greater respect for the basic principles of humanity.

"... Recognizing that the child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding,

Considering that the child should be fully prepared to live an individual life in society, and brought up in the spirit of the ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, and in particular in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity..."  READ MORE of the 

Convention on the Rights of the Child


20 November 1989


General Assembly resolution 44/25

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