Friday, November 17, 2023


1948 Palestinian refugees refused their natural, logical, moral, ethical and legal right to return to original homes and lands.

Dear America,

America was very racist before, during and after World War II and the Nazi Holocaust.  In some ways we are better now, but in other ways we are worse:

Funding Israel as Israel subsidizes religious zealots to harass Palestinians and usurp Palestinian land is wrong- and racist.

Arming Israel as it bombs refugee camps, hospitals, and bread bakeries in Gaza is wrong- and racist. 

Ignoring Israel's blatant and long term violations of international law [1948-2023] and the indigenous Palestinians' basic human rights is wrong- and racist.

STOP RACIST HATE- start by ending America's misguided support for the heavily armed and generously subsidized Jews-preferred Israel as Israel aggressively destroys Arab Palestinian homes and lives everywhere and in every way it can. 

The more America supports Israel the more power and weaponry angry armed extremists and their propagandists world wide gain, ensuring more terrorism and more enemies... more injustice... more poverty... more suffering... more hypocrisy... more lies... and more misinformation perpetuating more racist hate and evil in this world. 


Anne Selden Annab

American Homemaker & Poet


To quote a well known American hero...  "Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children."  I Have A Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr.  in 1963

Palestinians in the West Bank say Israeli settlers attack them, seize their land amid the war with Hamas CBS News with video

 "The Ministry of Health in the West Bank says almost 200 Palestinians have been killed in the territory since Oct. 7, and the United Nations humanitarian relief agency OCHA says almost 1,150 people have been displaced from their homes there due to settler violence and land access restrictions."  ... READ MORE & Watch the CBS News Video

Dear world, we see you By Joharah Baker for MIFTAH November 16, 2023

"Do mainstream news outlets like Fox, NBC, CBS etc even have a fact checking department anymore? ..." Susan Muaddi Darraj

A rare picture of the harvest season from the Bin Amer Meadow located between the Galilee region and the Nablus Mountains in the north circa 1930 PALESTINE

Wadadad Khoury Salah from the town of Jaffna Qadaa Ramallah now, and when she was young

Prayer Vigil November 20, 2023 6 p.m. Washington DC: CEASEFIRE NOW (stop the violence, stop the injustice, stop the racist hate, STOP ISRAEL'S WAR ON PALESTINE )

Stand for Humanity

For the Palestinian Christians in Gaza who are being ethnically cleansed along with their Muslim neighbors.

Statement on the Celebration of Advent and Christmas in the Midst of War Novemeber 10, 2023 The Patriachs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem

"So yes I am a Palestinian refugee and I am from Yaffa. Deal with it." Ambassador Majed Bamya 


 Pro Palestinians demonstrators chanted "Free Palestine"

... Pro Israeli demonstrators chanted "No Ceasefire"

If you've ever wondered what you'd do during slavery, the holocaust, or the civil rights movement- you're doing it right now

Zeina Azzam poem- Write My Name....

The Sorrowful Mother, from Coreggio, in Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem

A Palestine Madonna (photo of a Palestinian mother with her baby taken in the 1930s)

Palestine-- Palestinians with ladders at olive trees and people picking olives off the ground. circa 1880-1922 Library of Congress

Sliman Mansour: Painting Palestine’s Story

What should America believe in & what should America invest in? 

There is nothing humanitarian about a pause in which your two options are to either leave your home forever or die ....

Oh hey, a friendly reminder that you can understand, acknowledge, and sympathize with very real generational Jewish trauma and still push for a free Palestine. - Susan Muaddi Darraj

Israel's War on Palestine did not begin on October 7th #1948-2023

Many Palestinian families still have the keys to the houses they left in 1948. 

1948's Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations

"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world...  

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