Sunday, November 19, 2023

Alison Weir of IF AMERICANS KNEW on America's Bias and Distorted Media Coverage

If Americans Knew

The U.S. media presents a distorted picture of the Israel-Palestine issue, creating an illusion of balance where there is none, and reporting on periods of “calm” that are shattered only by Palestinian violence, with Israeli violence rarely meriting reporting. 

This has been the case for decades, misinforming the people whose tax money funds the cycle of violence. I remember when the LA Times described a period of “relative calm” when Israelis hadn’t suffered attacks – during this “calm,” Palestinians had been killed, imprisoned, injured, abused, & maimed. 

I called the paper to complain. I spoke to someone who – before he hung up on me - claimed their phrase was justified because they called the supposed calm “relative.” I guess to him and other media gatekeepers, Palestinian deaths are insignificant, relativeto Israeli deaths. I guess to them, Palestinian grief is basically unmentionable relative to Israeli grief. I guess to them, the weeping of Palestinian mothers and fathers – multitudes more of them – is negligible, relativeto the weeping of Israeli mothers and fathers. 

That report and my call were in 2005. This is the history that’s hidden by narratives that begin with Oct.7. It also helps explain why US citizens have allowed our government to fund and provide cover for dispossession of Palestinians all this time. Will people wake up at last? Read what I wrote about this misleading reporting at the time.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world's major sources of instability. Americans are directly connected to this conflict, and increasingly imperiled by its devastation.

It is the goal of If Americans Knew to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue, and on our power – and duty – to bring a resolution.

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