Monday, November 20, 2023

ADC Reminder "Tens of millions in the US are struggling, and will go through Thanksgiving with little to no food on the dinner table..."

(Dad. Husband. National Executive Director of @ADC. Living in DC via the greatest American City, Detroit. RT =/= Endorsements. Views are my own. Washington, DC
"Reminder: Tens of millions in the US are struggling, and will go through Thanksgiving with little to no food on the dinner table. 
Thankfully our bought and paid for politicians in this country are doing their part to help by sending tens of billions of your tax dollars to Israel and the Ukraine. 
For those of you who are struggling, rest assured that the genocide happening in Gaza may not put food on your kids plates, but it does line the pockets of your elected officials and weapons producers.".

 & then from a recent video- a doctor, a Palestinian with no name but a very clear voice speaking of Palestine's children:
 “They give us a piece of bread and a sandwich, and they give the Israelis tanks, rockets, and warfighters... He saw his father dying, he saw his uncle martyred, he saw his house stolen, he’s living in a tent. How can we remove hatred from the hearts of these children?”

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