Sunday, October 22, 2023

Some (but not all) Reasonable & Honest Voices Worth Following on X [TWITTER] for Peace & Palestine ...

Israeli Occupation- Gaza, Palestine 2023

Don’t quibble w/ me about the meaning of genocide. If this isn’t genocide, then what is? Palestinians were expelled to Gaza in 48 & now they are being devastated one more time. What Hamas did was inexcusable, but what Israel has been doing & is doing now is also inexcusable

If Americans Knew


A 3-minute video from 2006 examining the situation in the #Gaza Strip after Israel's disengagement. The video shows that there was already an Israeli blockade of Gaza in 2002 - years before Hamas headed up the government. For more info on Gaza, see

If a single Jewish-Israeli child were pulled out from beneath a pile of rubble of what used to be her home & obliterated the rest of her family, not a single Western gov’t would not condemn it or try to blame “both sides”. Racism & colonialism explain this. They expect us to die.

Omar Baddar عمر بدّار


Palestine/Israel remains the ONLY contemporary context in which media discourse is obsessed with the invaders & occupiers’ right to “self defense” against the people they’re oppressing, but NEVER a word about the right of the occupied to defend themselves from their oppressors.






The Palestinians have been living with constant heart break & pain since the ethnic cleansing of Palestine began with the establishment of the state of Israel on their land in the nakba of 1948.


Dr. Omar Suleiman


A close friend here just found out all 21 of his family in Gaza were wiped out last night. Anyone with a phone in Gaza city just got a message from the Israeli army that if they havent evacuated, they are considered terrorists. They have nowhere to go. This is a genocide.

Husam Zomlot


After the massacre at the Baptist Ahli hospital, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Palestinian Christian community in #Gaza are the target of Israel’s murderous air strikes! Enough!




Israel just demanded Palestinians evacuate the Al-Quds hospital in Gaza. 400 patients cannot simply evacuate. Neither can the 12,000 Palestinians sheltering inside. Israel has bombed hospitals, schools, churches, and homes. No one in Gaza is safe, no matter where they go.

Like any other community, Palestinians will not accept oppression in perpetuity. To help put the events of the last few days in context, here are a few resources you can use from Visualizing Palestine:


World leaders at the Cairo Peace Summit are trying to ‘de-escalate’ the Israel-Gaza war. Jordan’s King Abdullah used his speech to condemn the war crimes of collective punishment and the forced displacement of Palestinians 

Yousef Munayyer


Jordan's King Abdullah made the important decision to deliver these comments in English to make sure people in the West understand the dangers of their hypocrisy on this issue.

Every child has the right to grow up free from violence and fear. Children must be protected -- always. They are #NotATarget.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. @WeAreNotNumbers
    A project of @EuroMedHR
    that pairs Palestinian writers with int'l mentors to write the stories behind the numbers of victims. Content not censored by Euro-Med
    Gaza Strip,
