Saturday, October 14, 2023

President Biden, Please help all Jewish people and all Palestinians who want to escape the rampant racist hate and religious extremism created by Israel's war on Palestine.

Dear President Biden,

I see clearly from your aggressive support of Israel that you scorn Arabs and Muslims, and you also scorn good advice.  I am writing again anyway.  Obviously pleading for compassion for impoverished and persecuted Palestinian men, women, & children falls on deaf ears in the White House & in our Congress, & even among most State governors, as well as far too many Christian and Jewish leaders & organizations worldwide.

So how about some basic logic:  Israel has been arming its Zionist zealots with subsidies, lethal weaponry, and the motivation to harass and kill "others" since 1948.  Right now those "others" are mainly the native non-Jewish people of historic Palestine, but "others" extends to all nations that harbor Arabs and Muslims. That includes US. 

So here we are in 2023 with Jews-preferred Israel getting richly rewarded & applauded by Western leaders like you and our clueless media for arming Zionist zealots with excuses... plus guns and bombs. This is insane- and wrong!  

Islamist Militants, including those horrible terrorists who attacked us on 9-11, are following Israel's lead by usurping religion in order to raise funds and rage, arming racist hate & despicable acts of terror against other human beings.  Stop inspiring them!

Please help all Jewish people and all Palestinians who want to escape the rampant racist hate and religious extremism created by Israel's war on Palestine.  Send ships & help Israelis and Palestinians come here to America to live in peace and security with full freedom, equal rights, real justice and job opportunities- with the one firm caveat that America's public funds will not be used to support religion or racist hate here or there.

If you can't do that, PLEASE at least firmly insist that Israel fully respects, honors and implements The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees' inalienable legal, moral, and natural right to return to original homes and lands. 


Anne Selden Annab

American Homemaker & Poet


Peace Day is the opportunity for "strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples."

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