Saturday, October 7, 2023

Palestine Writes [in America] 2023!

 "Palestinians are an ancient indigenous people from a fabled and tortured land. No matter who holds the guns and power over our homeland, our nation is deeply rooted in its soil, which cradles our collective memory, as it does the bones of our ancestors. All of our traditions, our stories, folklore, poetry, culinary forms, superstitions, traditional clothing, architecture, art, and cultural habits were born in that singular patch of earth over the span of millennia. Palestine Writes exists as an artistic and literary space to hold dear and celebrate and share the magnificence of Palestine’s indigenous heritage, particularly as powerful forces work tirelessly to erase us."

Palestine Writes: On circles, keys, and joy as resistance

As a former political prisoner in Egypt, and dissident writer in exile, Palestinian culture and literature have inspired and shaped my work. When I attended the Palestine Writes Literature Festival, my heart came full circle.... READ MORE  

Worldmaking in action at Palestine Writes festival

Despite the incessant efforts of the pro-Israel lobby to censor Palestinians and their allies, the festival was a testament to the strength of transnational solidarity between those fighting for liberation around the world, writes Randa Abdel-Fattah... READ MORE


Palestine Writes Was An Immense Moment of Indigenous Agency and Togetherness

The 2023 Palestine Writes Literature Festival wrapped up on Sunday, September 24 following five joyful days of Palestinian heritage, stories, art, music, dance, crafts, books, scholarship, food, photography, 123 speakers,  sessions, and a sold out crowd of over 1500 registered in-person attendees, as well as 4890 virtual attendees on Friday....  READ MORE

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