Monday, October 30, 2023

Dear Elected Leader- Please stop empowering Israeli racism and violence.

Palestine 2023

Dear Elected Leader

Hamas is wrong, and idiotic- and so is ISRAEL. 

75 years ago, knowing the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust, the United Nations stepped up to carefully craft a document to explain and protect basic human rights.  Since then most but not all countries have been trying to respect every human being, every citizen of the world, regardless of supposed race or religion or gender or whatever.  

Tragically for all today, the heavily armed modern nation state, Israel, has turned its back on international law and justice, choosing instead to foment religious extremism, racist hate, and attacks on civilians, including countless young children.

PLEASE stop funding and arming and excusing Israel's war on the indigenous men, women and children of historic Palestine.

And PLEASE start reading and listening to some real news of the world, for the Zionist Propaganda dominating our mainstream media is dangerously wrong- and cruel.

War has rules. Israel's current war is not on HAMAS, it is on all of Palestine, and so it has been for 75 years. 

Meanwhile in the West Bank, since October 7th, a Palestinian civilian is killed every four hours either by settlers or Israeli military.

Please stop empowering Israeli racism and violence.


Anne Selden Annab

American Homemaker & Poet


Human Rights are NON-NEGOTIABLE

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Many Palestinian families still have the keys to the houses they left in 1948. 

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America: Live Up to Your Own Principles When Dealing with Palestine

I admire the stated principles of the United States of America. I want it to live up to them."   Daoud Kuttab/


What’s the Israel-Palestine conflict about? A simple guide

It’s killed tens of thousands of people and displaced millions. And its future lies in its past.


The UDHR is a landmark document that sets out fundamental human rights to be universally protected and translated into over 500 languages. It was drafted by different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world and has inspired more than seventy human rights treaties.


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