Sunday, July 2, 2023

My letter to CS Monitor RE "Middle East fence-mending"

Re: Middle East fence-mending

Dear Editor,

Regarding the most recent online CSM editorial "Middle East fence-mending" that reaches out to readers with hope regarding ending the Jewish settler violence in the Palestinian Territories.

It is a beautifully written opinion and poem-like fantasy that foolishly ignores sovereign Israel's relentless violations of international law and the native non-Jewish Palestinians' basic human rights... day after day, decade after decade.

Israel's tax payer funded Zionist settlers protected by Israel's Zionist soldiers have been harshly persecuting, oppressing, and displacing Palestinian men, women and children year after year, decade after decade- for generations now.  Same old same old. This is a monstrous tragedy and it is mainly ignored by the Western world. 

Here in America far too many religious leaders and elected officials either idolize or excuse Israeli racism and its state sponsored terrorism.  We should not be funding and fueling Israel's war on the people of historic Palestine.  We live in a post Nazi Holocaust world and really should know better. 

Face the facts: Israel/Palestine already is a one state "solution" with Palestine and surrounding refugee camps serving as a complex prison camp and weapons testing ground where Israel's Zionist soldiers and settlers can feel like heroes while they systemically destroy Palestinian families, homes, and jobs.

Real hope is real freedom, diversity, respect, and equality all empowered by the rule of fair and just laws to help build real justice and a lasting peace for all people, regardless of supposed race or religion.  Here and there!


Anne Selden Annab  


Keys for Palestine are full respect for Basic Human Rights, including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees' inalienable, legal, logical, moral, and natural Right of Return to original homes and lands.

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