Friday, March 3, 2023

Letter I just sent to my elected officials "America should not be funding and empowering Israel. Invest in real freedom and democracy. Invest in America."

The only thing the US and Palestine have in common is they’re both occupied by Zionism- meme recently found on twitter

Dear President Biden

I pray for strength and the words to write to you today, urging you to help lead America away from fueling and funding religious extremism any where, specifically here in the United States of America but also in Israel, the Zionist state that determines freedoms, rights, respect, and citizenship on a person's religion.

America should be all about freedom FROM religion, as well as freedom to worship God if you want to do so. Religion should be a private personal choice, not a state funded preference and an inspiration for escalating hostilities and violence.

Protect and respect Jewish people as individuals, as well as Christians and Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists and every other religion on earth. Live by the Golden Rule and let all be welcome and safe here in America:  Just America- Not Israel. 

Peaceful non-political religious congregations here in America help America thrive in many ways, including with soup kitchens and clothes for the poor.  This we should be proud of, but we should not be proud of U.S. support for Israel. 

We should be horrified and ashamed: For the past 75 years the native non-Jewish men, women and children of historic Palestine have suffered horribly due to rampantly racist Israeli policies with Zionist soldiers and settlers constantly usurping more and more Palestinian land, destroying more and more Palestinian homes and farms.

Worried about China's TikToc technology being used in America ?   I am, but I am even more worried about Israeli technology and propaganda campaigns being used in America, with Zionist agents influencing our media as well as our elections [and foreign policies].

America should not be funding and empowering Israel.  Invest in real freedom and democracy. Invest in America.


Anne Selden Annab


Live by The Golden Rule 

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