Monday, July 25, 2022

Lest we forget the Palestinian refugee that planted them with absolute tender, loving care...

Mike Hanini Odetella photo of "his lone bunch of grapes defiantly announcing their existence through the rubble."
"My late father in law's pride and joy (ay), much like my late mother (ay) was his exquisite garden that occupied every nook and cranny around his humble abode. He took great care and joy in planting and tending to his garden, and so when I paid a visit to what was once his home, and through the sad ruins, I saw beautifully multicolored roses and this lone bunch of grapes defiantly announcing their existence through the rubble. Lest we forget the Palestinian refugee that planted them with absolute tender, loving care...Allah yirhamhak ya 3amee Abu Ahmed!" Mike Hanini Odetella     

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