Saturday, April 30, 2022

Harvard's Crimson Editorial Board Bravely Headlines "In Support of Boycott, Divest, Sanction and a Free Palestine" late April 2022

 "We are not sure how these words will reach you, or whether they’ll do so at all. But our stance isn’t rooted in proximity or convenience, but rather in foundational principles we must uphold — even if (or perhaps especially when) it proves difficult."


In Support of Boycott, Divest, Sanction and a Free Palestine

When oppression strikes anywhere in the world, resistance movements reverberate globally. The desire for rightful justice spreads, like wildfire, moving us to act, to speak, to write, and right our past wrongs.

Over the past year, the Harvard College Palestine Solidarity Committee has strived to do just that. Amid escalating tensions between Israel and Palestine, PSC has hosted informational programming, organized weekly demonstrations of support through “Keffiyeh Thursdays,” and even installed a colorful, multi-panel “Wall of Resistance” in favor of Palestinian freedom and sovereignty.

In at least one regard, PSC’s spirited activism has proven successful: It has forced our campus — and our editorial board — to once again wrestle with what both Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have called Israel’s “crimes against humanity” in the region.

We first and foremost wish to extend our sincere support to those who have been and continue to be subject to violence in occupied Palestine, as well as to any and all civilians affected by the region’s bellicosity.... PLEASE GO TO THE LINK TO READ THE ARTICLE IN FULL

Also in the Harvard Crimson late April 2022

An art display was put up in Harvard Yard by the Harvard College Palestine Solidarity Committee for Israel Apartheid Week. Photo By Julian J. Giordano on April 2022 article "Palestine Solidarity Committee Hosts Annual Israeli Apartheid Week, Drawing Backlash from Harvard Hillel"

"“They’re trying to conflate criticism of the state of Israel with anti-semitism. We have Jewish members in our organization. We had Jewish speakers come speak at our events, so I don’t think that their response has been very convincing,” he said.

Bahour said that her favorite part of IAW’s programming has been the Wall of Resistance in Harvard Yard.

“The panels are all very powerful and they really show a lot of solidarity, because they're not all about Palestine,” Bahour said. “Each one covers a different topic and is trying to show that the Palestinian cause doesn't exist in a bubble, but it's rather very interconnected with our everyday life here in the U.S.” 

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