Saturday, May 15, 2021

Diana Buttu: The Palestinian Dispossession at the Heart of the Gaza Conflict

 "Israeli courts are not operating in a vacuum but rather are an integral part of Israel’s land-grabbing enterprise. But even as the courts — particularly its Supreme Court — are implicated in this project, they are treated overseas with reverence as impartial adjudicators of law, even though the laws they enforce are at odds with international norms. Israeli Supreme Court judges are frequently invited to speak at law schools around the world to describe the “difficulties” they face when adjudicating cases.

They will rubber stamp more evictions, all the while using the tool of law to provide a veneer of integrity.

But as the families of Sheikh Jarrah, like the families of Silwan and other Palestinian neighborhoods where Israeli settlers are targeting Palestinians for expulsion, know, the Israeli courts will not rule in their favor. They will rubber stamp more evictions, all the while using the tool of law to provide a veneer of integrity. In so doing, in advancing Israel’s creeping colonization of Palestinian territory, they are also foreclosing any opportunity of a peaceful resolution.

It isn’t just in the realm of settler takeovers that Palestinians have witnessed the unjust application of Israeli law. The courts have sanctioned scores of discriminatory laws to preserve Israel’s status as a “Jewish state.” They have sanctioned the construction of Israeli bypass roads and settlements in the occupied West Bank and have only begrudgingly stopped the small number of outposts built on private Palestinian land. They have approved the use of home demolitions as a form of punishment, authorized assassinations (euphemized as “targeted killings”), approved mass deportations, and licensed the cutting off of fuel and electricity to the besieged Gaza Strip.

The court enables and provides legal cover to an unequal system, which, according to both B’Tselem and Human Rights Watch, meets the definition of apartheid..." READ MORE- AS ALWAYS PLEASE GO TO THE ORIGINAL LINK TO READ THE ARTICLE IN FULL

A view of Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem/Getty images

The Palestinian Dispossession at the Heart of the Gaza Conflict

The violence in Gaza rightly captures headlines, but it conceals the silent and relentless dispossession at the heart of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians

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