Saturday, December 21, 2019

Palestinian Archbishop Atallah Hanna was hospitalized earlier this week from poison gas, after Israeli occupation forces threw gas canisters into his church in Jerusalem. He suffered temporary paralysis, but is now in stable condition.

Palestinian Archbishop Atallah Hanna was hospitalized, December 2019, from poison gas, after israeli occupation forces threw gas canisters into his church in Jerusalem, he suffered temporary paralysis, but is now in stable condition.
"The outspoken Palestinian Christian leader has been a staunch critic of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and its acts of aggression in neighboring Lebanon and Syria."

"“I would like to remind all Christians all around the world there is no point in celebrating Christmas if you do not pay attention to what is happening in Palestine as it is the birthplace of Christ and where Christianity originated and spread its message throughout the world.”
--Archbishop Atallah Hanna."

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