Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Please stop putting Israeli interests before American interests and ideals -letters I sent to my Senators regarding BDS

United Nations Dove of Peace, presented by Pope John Paul II, on the occasion of his visit to the United Nations, 2 October 1979
Dear Senator Toomey

Please stop putting Israeli interests before American interests.... Go visit Israel as often as you like- on your own dime, please.

Go idolize and worship what ever you want to idolize and worship in Israel, but please do not force all Americans to fund and applaud your personal religious preferences and investments.

Violence is very very wrong.  BDS is a NONVIOLENT movement and American leaders seeking to make BDS illegal only make matters worse here, there and everywhere...  If America only allowed Christians full freedom and rights here in America, and if America had an official religion and religious scholars funded by taxpayers I would hope that people would be able to boycott that blatant injustice and discrimination.

Substitute the word "Israel" for "America" in the following sentence to better understand the situation:  It does not mean destroying America, it means making America more just and fair for all people, regardless of religion.

Thank you for your time & trouble


Dear Senator Casey

Please stop putting Israeli interests before American interests.  BDS is a nonviolent movement and American leaders seeking to make BDS illegal only make matters worse here, there and everywhere...  If America only allowed Christians full freedom and rights here in America, and if America had an official religion and religious scholars funded by taxpayers I would hope that people would be able to boycott that blatant injustice and discrimination.

Substitute the word "Israel" for "America" in the following sentence to better understand the situation:  It does not mean destroying America, it means making America more just and fair for all people, regardless of religion.

Thank you for your time & trouble

Anne Selden Annab

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