Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My letter to CSM RE Bending the curve toward peace #Peace #Palestine #Israel #HumanRights #HOPE #freedom #equality #justice #security #democracy.

RE: Bending the curve toward peace: From Southeast Asia to Latin America, past conflicts -- conflicts that once consumed the world's attention -- have been overcome. Today's will be as well.
& Media ethics under fire.

Dear Editor,

( Media ethics under fire: "Last week, an analysis in The New York Times found that Trump had amassed nearly $1.9 billion worth of free media coverage over the course of the campaign, even as his campaign spends less by far than most every other candidate... Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, received $746 million " CSM 3-21-2016)

This week politicians like Republican Trump and Democrat Clinton have been energetically seeking campaign funds and free media exposure by pandering to the Israel lobby. Their "pro-Israel" talking points published and quoted by many media outlets worldwide, promote a totally misleading narrative about security, the Middle East, and who exactly objects to and is best able and equipped to defeat terrorism and ISIS/Daesh.

It has been a huge relief to me to have free online access (and also a snail mail subscription) to CSM where revealing stories like the recent one about heroic Um Qusay, the Iraqi widow's resistance which has became a symbol of hope provide a much more compassionate, intelligent, optimistic and helpful understanding of the situation in the Middle East than can found at an AIPAC event.

I have also been delighted to see multiple CSM mentions of Dean Obeidallah and Negin Farsad and their delightful documentary "The Muslims are Coming", most recently illustrating "Lifting the stigma on American Muslims"

CSM stories like Why these ​New York millionaires want to raise their own taxes ("to help address poverty and rebuild failing infrastructure") and many other stories on many various topics break down negative stereotypes about various categories of people, offering up real hope (and realistic ideas), and wisely reminding us all of the real meaning of words like freedom, equality, justice, security ... and democracy.

Two days ago I read CSM's 3-20-2016 Bending the curve toward peace:
From Southeast Asia to Latin America, past conflicts -- conflicts that once consumed the world's attention -- have been overcome. Today's will be as well. by John Yemma... and that column haunts me - in a good way... "The point is that many of yesterday’s conflicts – so difficult when living through them, so vexing when thinking about how to solve them – have been overcome. Today’s? A small group claiming to speak for more than a billion Muslims is using terror to oppress parts of the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. Unlike the recent conflicts in Southeast Asia, Central America, and the Balkans, virtually the entire world is united against these jihadists – Muslims and non-Muslims, Americans, Russians, Chinese. This war will be won sooner or later."

That is quite frankly an astounding thought, and an enlightening idea.

I also applaud last week's article highlighting the very admirable Palestinian Hanan al-Hroub (How a Palestinian teacher from Bethlehem just won $1 million) including this telling- and inspiring, enlightening- quote: “I tell all the teachers,” says Hroub in her acceptance speech, “whether they are Palestinian or around the world: ‘Our job is humane, its goals are noble. We must teach our children that our only weapon is knowledge and education.”

Please keep up the good work.

Anne Selden Annab

"The future is up to us. As we support justice, tolerance, and equality, we quietly bend the curve of history, and the future aligns with the deep, powerful, eternal peace that surpasses understanding." John Yemma CSM 3-20-2016 Bending the curve toward peace:
From Southeast Asia to Latin America, past conflicts -- conflicts that once consumed the world's attention -- have been overcome. Today's will be as well.

"Ms. Hroub was recognized for using games and playful activities to help local children learn in their violent environments – a program she calls "No to Violence." Hroub was chosen as the winner Sunday from a group of 10 finalists, which included teachers across all disciplines from Australia, Africa, the United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom." How a Palestinian teacher from Bethlehem just won $1 million ... “I tell all the teachers, whether they are Palestinian or around the world: ‘Our job is humane, its goals are noble. We must teach our children that our only weapon is knowledge and education.”

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
: "Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world"

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