Friday, October 2, 2015

My letter to the NYTimes RE Mahmoud Abbas Gives Up on Peace

"Gandhi proved that non-violence – the principle and the practice – can change history,” Mr. Ban noted. “His mass campaigns of non-violent civil disobedience helped pave the way for the independence of India, and have inspired countless movements for change across the world.”UN NEWS 10-2-2015 UN Photo: “Non-Violence,” a sculpture by Karl Fredrik Reutersward, sits permanently outside UN Headquarters in New York
 RE Mahmoud Abbas Gives Up on Peace
Dear Editor,

"But the failure of everyone — Palestinians, Israelis and Americans — to build on the promise of Oslo is a tragedy for all. "  Very very true.

However it is not the details of Oslo or any other road map or plan that is being abandoned, it is the basic premise that state building, diplomacy and negotiations to shape a just and lasting peace for both Israel and Palestine that is being forsaken and rejected.

We are all to blame, everyone of us worldwide weighing in full of passion and rage or indifference. We have all failed- Palestinians, Israelis, Americans; poets and reporters, preachers and politicians, cartoonists and mathematicians, businesses and charities and aide and activists and everyone else. All flawed.

Now what. I say move on forward, knowing that we are all flawed. Move forward calmly and carefully for peace in peace with peace for both Israel and Palestine... for everyone's sake.  A fully secular two state solution based on full respect for universal human rights and the rule of fair and just laws is reasonable and right.

Anne Selden Annab

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