Saturday, October 31, 2015

BDS calls for culinary boycott of Israel: After cultural and academic boycotts, movement urges top international chefs to 'take apartheid off the menu' and cancel their participation in November's Round Tables event in Tel Aviv.

"While  the  Round  Tables  event  is  presented  as  a  “fruitful  dialogue  about  culture, economy,  and  social  issues,”  it  is  instead  an  appalling use  of  the  time honored  tradition  of  sharing  culinary  experiences  as  a  means  for  whitewashing  widespread  violation  of  Palestinian  fundamental  rights,  including  the  right  to food. "

"  ...according  to  United  Nations  reports,  only  35  per  cent  of Palestinians  living  under  Israeli  occupation  are  food  secure [6] with  Israel's  illegal  wall  and  settlements  appropriating  large  swathes  of  land  for  Israelis  whilst  ghettoizing  Palestinians  and  denying  them  livelihoods [7].

Palestinian  citizens  of  Israel,  which  make  up  20  per  cent  of  the  population,  hardly  fare  any  better.  Palestinian  communities  are  being  forced  off  their  land  as  part  of  Israel’s  ongoing  ethnic  cleansing.  Israel  refuses  to  recognize  176  Palestinian  towns  and  villages  within  its  internationally recognized  borders,  many  predating  the  creation  of  the  state,  denying  them  even  the  most  basic  of  services  such  as  water and  electricity.  Israeli  bulldozers  regularly  demolish  entire  villages  leaving  families  homeless.

And  though  you  will  have  no  problem  traveling  to  Tel  Aviv,  roughly  7  million  Palestinian refugees  and  internally  displaced  persons  resulting  from  Israel’s  ongoing  ethnic  cleansing  are denied  the  right  to return  to  their  lands  as  guaranteed  under  International  Law"


ACTION ALERT: Tell these food chefs to cancel their Round Tables with Apartheid! - See more at:
ACTION ALERT: Tell these food chefs to cancel their Round Tables with Apartheid! - See more at:

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