Monday, January 12, 2015

Jordan Times: AMMAN/PARIS — Their Majesties King Abdullah and Queen Rania on Sunday participated in a march “of defiance and sorrow” in Paris to pay tribute to victims of terrorism in France.

Their Majesties King Abdullah and Queen Rania take part in a rally of defiance and sorrow to honour the 17 victims of three days of bloodshed in Paris that left France on alert for more violence in Paris on Sunday (Reuters photo)

King, Queen take part in Paris ‘defiance and sorrow march’

"... In a Facebook post, Queen Rania wrote that she was joining the King ”to stand in solidarity with the people of France in their darkest hour... To stand in unity against extremism in all its forms and to stand up for our cherished faith, Islam. And so that the lasting image of these terrible events is an unprecedented outpouring of sympathy and support between people of all faiths and cultures.”

As a Muslim, she added, “it pains me when someone derides Islam and my religious beliefs. It also pains me when someone derides other religions and other people’s religious beliefs. But what offends me more, much more, are the actions of the criminals who, this week, dared to use Islam to justify the cold-blooded murder of innocent civilians. This is not about Islam or being offended by Charlie Hebdo magazine. This is about a handful of extremists who wanted to slaughter people for any reason and at any cost”. 

Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance and mercy, the Queen wrote. “It is a source of comfort and strength for more than 1.6 billion Muslims — the same people who are shocked, saddened and appalled by the events in Paris this week”..."

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