Wednesday, July 16, 2014

America/Israel/Palestine 1776

"I spent my time in Longwood Garden’s Idea Garden, meant for home gardeners.  Longwood is known for more elegant areas, with fountains, formal plantings, and an indoor conservatory — all spectacular…"  Qoute & Photo Credit: Back to the Garden Clump-a-day Blog, postcards from the clogosphere

      America/Israel/Palestine 1776

None of us
were sentient in 1776.
Some take family stories,
some take history books,
some take wishful thinking,
some take rumors,
some take whim
some take insults
all take fragments
to shape a narrative
of who really belongs:
Who is worth admiring
who should stand tall
with pride, and who
should be lynched
blamed for thoughts thought,
blamed for promises broken
and blamed for writing it all wrong.

But none of us
no one alive right now
 none of our parents
or grandparents
or great grandparents
were sentient in 1776.

is citizenship
full and equal
where you are
or where a parent came from
and where you might go
regardless of fantasies
regardless of pedigree
regardless of tragedy
regardless of poetry
and memorials
and war songs
and religion.

Every human being
is new hope...
but not all know
how to augment that power.

poem copyright ©2014 Anne Selden Annab

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